Part 5: Stranger things have happened

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"Is something the matter?" Ashai murmurs, breaking you from your trance.

You shake your head, unwilling to disclose your thoughts.

"I-I'm just hungry." You lie, downing the last of your drink.

I'm uncomfortable.

"Well that makes two of us then." Asahi grins, gesturing to something in the distance.

You follow his line of sight, making out a group of silhouettes.

"(Y/N)-Kun!" A light voice calls.


Hinata is first to come into view, followed by an out of breath Kageyama in tow.

"You idiot, quit running around in the dark!" He snaps, tugging on the shorter boy's hair.

Soft chuckles emerge from the shadows.

"Kageyama you ran right after him though." Sugawara puffs, sharing knowing glances with a nearby Daichi.

"You two dropped the bag." Tsukishima drones, holding up a slightly dirtied paper bag.

It smells heavenly.

"Nice catch Tsukki." A bumbling Tadashi chimes in.

A smile begins to twitch onto your face.

"Yeah, nice catch." You grin.

A hand claps round your shoulder, warming you.


"Let's eat." He purrs, gesturing for you to follow him into the gym.

You nod, hobbling after the boy.

Upon entering the gym you discover a picnic of a sort, the boys settling themselves on the floor, food balanced across their laps.

You teeter to the floor, settling with a small "Oof."

"Here, this one is still hot." Kiyoko murmurs, handing you a steaming object wrapped in paper.

She's back.

"Thank you."

What is this?

As if anticipating such a reaction, Tsukishima clears his throat.

"Red bean buns, provided by Sakanoshita's store." He twirls his finger dramatically.

That sounds familiar...

You raise a brow, unsure whether or not such a thing could appeal to you.

It does smell good.

You take a tentative bite, your mouth quickly flooding with the comforting taste.

You open your mouth wider this time, taking a large bite.

"It's good isn't it?" Sugawara laughs, amused by your ravenous state.

You didn't answer, rather taking another bite which is followed by a round of light laughter from everyone.

"Well at least he's got his appetite back." Tanaka guffaws, chewing loudly.


Everytime one of them says it...

It's like a punch in the gut,

"Small mercies." Sugawara echoes, gliding his hand across your spine.

"How are you feeling (Y/N)?"

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