Part 4: Establising attraction

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A light voice.

The sound of rustling.

And the scent of antiseptic.

You squint, unaccustomed to the bright lighting.

"Asahi-San?" You groan in complaint.

A soft laugh puffs from the coils of the room.

A woman's laugh.

"He'll be back." The voice murmurs again.

It takes a moment for the voice to register.


In answer a nearby curtain parts, revealing the vixen herself.

"Hello." She replies.

You sit up in an attempt to remain some composure.

"Hi." You nod, slightly embarrassed by your current situation.

It looks like I'm in the nurse's office.

Which is the very last place I want to be given my current predicament...

"Where is everyone?" You query.

Kiyoko cocks her head in thought, quickly occupying herself with a nearby first aid kit.

"I sent Tanaka and Nishinoya-San to collect your things fifteen minutes ago..." She trails off.

"The others should be here any minute." She sniffs, gesturing for you to sit up.

I sure hope those bumpkins didn't get lost.

I have a bad feeling that they've died...

"Now." The girl heaves the first aid kid in finality.

"Let's get some ice packs on that chest." She murmurs.

Reality quickly begins to set in.

"That's not necessary." You laugh, attempting to wave off her advances.

Kiyoko sighs, you successfully halting the girl's prodding.

"Come now, don't make this difficult." She hums.

"Don't make this difficult child."

The icy chill of those words send you into a catonic shock.

Your hands, previously detached, begin a deadly squeeze round the girl's wrist.

Kiyoko bristles, whether from pain or shock, you'd never know.

"(Y/N)-Kun." She puffs, trying to free herself from your grasp.

The sound of your name is more than enough to return you to reality.

You almost throw yourself away from the girl, closing your body off from any unwanted prodding.

"I-I'm sorry." You stammar, unable to make eye contact with the girl.

What's gotten into me?

"(Y/N)-Kun?" Kiyoko echoes, slowly joining you on your cot.

You don't answer.

"(Y/N)?" She attempts again.


Please stop.

"Kiyoko-" You begin to growl, growing agitated.

You halt.

Slowly, oh so slowly Kiyoko places a palm onto your face.

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