Part 7: The boy's got it

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Uneasy was the perfect word for the ache that bloomed readily in your chest.

A cold and wet feeling, likened to the sopping jersey in your hands.

This is wrong.

Something is wrong.

"(Y/N)." A distant voice called.

You dropped the jersey back into the sink, quickly making your way back to ground level.

Asahi was waiting for you at the top of the stairs, a worried expression etched upon his features.

"What's wrong?" You say, alarmed.

Asahi bites his lip, his brows knitting together in hesitation.

"We have a situation." He replies, gesturing behind him.

You don't look beyond a minute.

Settled behind the boy was a young man, prostrating himself across the gym floor, in front of a very uncomfortable looking Daichi.

Perhaps this is the stranger from the locker room.

"Sawamura-Kun I'm sorry, funding is extremely low as of now, you need to hold down the team for a few weeks." The man groans, weakly shuffling to his knees.

Who is this?

"Takeda-San, please don't worry yourself, we'll be okay, Coach Ukai just needs to focus on getting better."



"All we can do now is prepare ourselves for the future." Daichi affirms, helping the man to his feet.

"Besides." Daichi continues.

"It's not like I can get lonely now." He laughs, gesturing to you.

The strange man seems to take a double take, his tortoise shell glasses glinting in the dull light.

"A new recruit?" The man murmurs, incredulous.

"Hi." You nod awkwardly.

"He's..." The man trails off, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"What a contrast." The man laughs, looking you up and down.


What is he on about?

"I trust you're being trained well." The man, Takeda murmurs.

You bob your head in confirmation.

"Daichi-San is wonderful." You affirm, clapping the boy on the shoulder.

A look of relief washes over Takeda.

"Everything will work out Takeda-San." Daichi affirms, reciprocating your touch with a pat on the head.

Takeda seems to take a double take, shifting his eyes to you and then to Daichi.

"You two...are an oddly comforting sight." He laughs, dusting himself off.

"All I'm asking for is more time, that is all." He murmurs, addressing Daichi directly.


You attempt to catch the boy's gaze, Daichi oblivious to your prying eyes.

"Of course." He at last replies, giving Takeda a sympathetic smile.

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