Part 9: Third in the country

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White night.

White knight.

You're Karasuno's white knight.

It had taken less than thirty seconds for you to realize the sheer absurdity your brain had concocted moments ago.


Who in the actual hell do I think I am?

You had taken approximately fourteen steps from the gym door's before you decided you needed a moment to regroup.

I have zero information to go off of.

Although it's not like I really tried asking for any...

You had settled yourself on a nearby bench, scrambling to formulate some sort of plan that actually made sense.

Chikara is a second year...

Like Yuu and Ryuunosuke...

They must know of his whereabouts!

You quickly dismissed the idea of bringing your plan to the libero and wing spiker.

Those two are a lot more perceptive than people give them credit for.

Saying anything remotely related to Chikara would definitely raise a red flag...

You had become so distracted by your thoughts that you almost didn't notice the arrival of your teammates.

"Well if it isn't our little dare devil." A hearty laugh erupting from what could only be Tanaka's mouth.

Good morning to you too Tanaka.

Before you could make a witty reply you find yourself being spun into a weird jumble of limbs.


I'm not used to the Japanese being outwardly affectionate.

"Hey (Y/N) your skin feels chilly." Hinata remarks, pressing his cheek onto your icy one.

You couldn't help but feel slightly comforted by his touch, along with feeling slightly awkward.

You hadn't really noticed it in the morning, but the ace bandages on your chest were feeling especially tight.

You coughed slightly from the new found weight, Shoyo immediately peeling his arms from around your frame.

He's stronger than he looks.

"Hinata, it's too Early for you to be clinging to (Y/N) like this." Sugawara calls from afar, Tsukishima and Tadashi close behind.

"Good morning!" You wave, finally gathering your bearings.

The boys approach rather quickly, Sugawara's arm outstretched to you. Despite your apprehension you approached the setter.

To your surprise Sugawara's knuckles gently brushed across your forehead. You felt an almost instantaneous heat rush to your cheeks.

"Are you feeling alright? I've noticed your complexion dull quite a bit." Sugawara murmurs, his eyes flickering across your face.

You touch your face, suddenly self conscious.

"Dull?" You murmur.

"Good morning Kamikaze-kun." A cool voice breaking your attention away from Sugawara.

Did he just—

Are people even allowed to say that—

Tsukishima seemed to barely look at you as he walked past the setter, making his ascent to the club room.

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