Unexpected visitor

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Chapter One
Jones' House
Nat: I am leaving you!
( Nat angrily drags his luggages tightly)
Barbara:    You are not going anywhere Nat!
(As she rushes to lock the door to prevent Nat from leaving. She stands in his way arms crossed and exasperated. Nat heaves a deep breathe. )
Nat:    Barbara I don't want to disrespect you like you always do to me and please don't make things harder than they are already. This marriage is just not working. I have tolerated these behaviors of yours for four years now and I can't continue anymore. Your nagging, how you even embarrass me in front of my friends and my co-workers because of my father's situation is unacceptable. Also your drinking habit is getting out of hand.
(Barbara rudely stared at Nat from the bottom to the top with arms crossed.)
Barbara:    Then who do you expect to take care of your kids?[ she blurted]
( Nat chuckled)
Nat:    I will come for them when I'm financially stable. Don't forget they are your kids as well. [long pause with a sighs].  Don't worry,I will search for a new job and come for the kids. The divorce papers will be sent to you via post.
Barbara:    You ungrateful fool!.. After everything my family has done for you and your family , you are breaking up with me? I'm not signing anything! Remember, for better for worse .[ she  hollered]
( Nat manages to push her aside and storms out slamming the door behind him. He packed his bags into his Nissan Armada and drove off. He arrived at the house he was secretly building. He had it completed months ago and never imagined he will move in this soon. He unpacked his bags from the car, dragged them  into the house and lolled himself on the couch)
Nat:      I want to start afresh. No family business bullshit and no ladies drama .

Somewhere in Europe
(Josephine was at work getting documents ready to be delivered to her boss when her heart ached. She rested on her office chair for a while looking confused).
Josephine:    what's happening to me? [ in a confuse tone]
(Richard noticed Josephine was motionless through the glass door and rushed in)
Richard:    Are you alright? Do you need anything? [worried]
Josephine:    I am okay.[faint smile]
Richard:    I doubt you are. Should I call the ambulance? [said anxiously]
Josephine:    I am okay. I just felt a sharp pain in my heart. But I'm better now. [she smiled]
Richard :    Alright. I'm going back to my work if you need anything call me. [said in a caring tone and gave a long pause] .Are you free tonight I would love to go on a date with you.
Josephine:    ( looking for an excuse) I have a couple of things to do tonight. Sorry I can't make it.
Richard:    How about tomorrow?[ excited]
Josephine:   I can't promise you tomorrow. I will give you a call to let you know if I will be free to go out with you.
Richard:    I understand. I will be expecting your call.
(Richard left Josephine's office with a  smile on his face. He had had feelings for Josephine since she first stepped foot into the company . After a while she was feeling better and took the documents to her boss' office.)
[Josephine enters her boss office]
Mr. Rockson:    Have a seat
Josephine:    Thank you Sir.
( she pulled the chair from the desk and sat in front of her boss)
Mr. Rockson:    I want to keep this conversation short because I have a meeting in twenty minutes. I would want to transfer you back to your country.
Josephine: Sir, did I do anything wrong?
Mr. Rockson:   No no no. You are one of the best workers here but I guess we can't keep you here anymore. You have families back at home who haven't seen you in ages and I think this is the best time to return home. I have spoken to the CEO in Ghana to give you the best position in the office so don't worry about anything. Your flight  and other expenses will be catered for. Let us know whenever you are ready to leave.
( Josephine was extremely happy and could not hide her feelings. )
Mr. Rockson:  I have to go. Call me when you decide on a date.
( Mr. Rockson left his office. Josephine sat on the office chair so excitedly and didn't know who to inform first. She kept contemplating on whether to inform Nat or surprise him. She finally came into conclusion to surprise the love of her life, her soulmate. She left her boss' office just with joy as she walked into her office. She lolled on the chair and picked up the calendar to set her date. After minutes of thinking...)
Josephine:   I am leaving next week Monday and that is final. [ she smiled to herself]
  ( forgetting today was Thursday).
(She closed from work early that day and rushed home to start packing. Richard thought she was just excited about the date as he was.  Josephine passed by the  shopping  mall to get some stuff for her mum and her brother who will probably be in his early twenties. She ordered a taxi and went home. After four hours of packing and arranging , she went to the kitchen to prepare some instant noodles to eat since she was feeling tired and lazy to make supper. After eating, she called her boss to inform him of the date she was ready to leave. They spoke for quite a while and he gave her a day off to stay home tomorrow to get prepared . She thanked him for everything he did for her and they both ended the call. She starred her phone for a while contemplating on whether to call Nat or not. As she was in her thoughts, Richard was calling.
         On the phone
Richard:    Hey.
Josephine: Hello
Richard:   I hope I am not disturbing you?
Josephine :   No not at all
Richard:   Alright. Just wanted to know if you are okay. You left work quite earlier than usual.
Josephine:   Yes! [ so excited] I just received the biggest news ever. I'm going home.
Richard:   Back to Ghana? [confused ]
Josephine: Yes Richard! [ so excited]
(Richard's mood dropped. He felt as if both his right atrium and ventricle was nowhere to be found. He was half a heart . Josephine noticed a sudden change in his voice as they were talking).
Josephine:   Are you okay? [worried]
Richard:   Yeah yeah yeah I am fine [ he lied]
Josephine: Alright. I have to get ready for bed. I have a lot of packing to do tomorrow.
Richard:    Alright then. Good night.
Josephine:   Good night
(Josephine ended the call).
(She took her night shower, wore her favorite night gown and went to bed. Richard was in his home broken hearted. He didn't know whether to tell Josephine how he felt about her or just to keep his feelings to himself. Josephine was a bit occupied with stuff that she forgot call off the  date with Richard. Richard waited the whole day for her call but she never called. The day for Josephine's departure drew closer and closer. On Sunday, Josephine organized a small get-together to say goodbye to some of her friends. Richard was invited but he never showed up because he just couldn't get over the fact that Josephine was actually leaving. The party ended in the middle of the night and everyone left for their homes. As she was tidying up, her phone rang. She answered the call without checking who it was.

On the phone
Josephine : Hello?
Nat: Hello babe.
( She recognized the voice and stopped whatever she was doing. She was excited to finally hear her boyfriend's voice)
Josephine: How are you. I miss you so much.
Nat: How can you miss someone and yet not call or text them to find out how they are.
Josephine: I am sorry babe. I have been really busy of late
Nat: What have you been busy with?
Josephine: Just some work projects which is due for submission tomorrow. [ she lied]
Nat: Alright all the best. I am applying for a job as well so I have been quite occupied these days. I will be submitting my CV to the Bank of Ghana.
Josephine: What happened to your daddy's company?
Nat: I don't want to talk about it.
Josephine: Alright. My friend will be coming to Ghana tomorrow at 4pm will you be free to pick her to her hotel? I will send you her picture tomorrow.[lying]
Nat: Sure. No problem... We will talk tomorrow then. Rest well and put in your best tomorrow. I love you
Josephine: I love you too . Bye.
( They both ended the call) .
(Josephine was so excited that she was going to meet Nat tomorrow. The day had finally arrived. She packed her luggages into the van the company organized for her. She arrived at the airport and with the help of some of the company's workers, she unpacked her luggages. They made sure she was comfortable before they drove away. It was  time to board the airplane. Josephine was so excited to finally leave Europe for Africa after six years. Thirty minutes later, the boarding gates were closed and the airplane was about to take off.)

(In the morning, Nat submitted his CV( curriculum vitae) at the Bank of Ghana . He bought some snacks and water for the visitor he was meeting at the airport. He visited his best pal, Nicholas to while away time.)
Nicholas : My guy what's up?
Nat: Nothing really. Josephine asked me to pick her friend up at the airport.
Nicholas: So when are you planning on telling her that you are married?
Nat: Nicholas, I haven't thought of it yet. If my marriage was to be perfect I would have told her but I don't want to loose both my woman and my wife at the same time.
( Nicholas laughs)
Nicholas : You actually sound selfish now you know that.
Nat: What else can I do,tell me. Barbara isn't making things easier on my side. I want to even file for a divorce but I am just worried about the kids.
( Nicholas was surprised to hear that)
Nicholas: Take it easy Nat. Don't make decisions you will later on regret.
Nat: Yeah yeah you are right.
( Nat looked around curiously)
Nicholas: What are you looking for?
Nat: Where's Abena ?
( Nicholas chuckled)
Nicholas: That girl! We broke up this morning. She was falling in love with me and you know your guy already. I don't do love!!
( Nat laughs)
Nat: So who is the new girl now?
Nicholas: She's Claudia. I met her at the club last night. We had fun and exchanged contacts. Nothing really happened. I'm taking things smoothly with her [ he winked]
( They gave each other a five and laughed. Nat checked the time on his Apple Watch and realized he had to get going. Nicholas escorted Nat to his car and waved him goodbye.The airplane had landed at the Kotoka International Airport in Ghana and all passengers were getting off the airplane to head towards the customs checkpoint. After Josephine had checked out, She went to the baggage stand to pick up her luggages and headed to the exit of the airport. Nat was waiting patiently for the visitor and didn't want to take his eyes off the exit door. He took out his phone from his pocket to have final
glance at the visitor's photo Josephine sent to him earlier . As he rose his head, he saw Josephine...

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts about it and let's get interactive. Thanks💕.

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