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                            Chapter Four

(Josephine had her heartbroken. She excused herself and went to the washroom. Barbara felt she had accomplished a successful plan and Nat was left in confusion. Josephine entered the bathroom and broke into tears. She had never had her heart broken twice )
Josephine:  He lied to me [crying]. I believed him so much. I'm so stupid [she hit her chest as she continued crying ]
( As she was crying, she heard footsteps approaching the bathroom and she quickly wiped her tears. Mrs. Natali walked in and saw Josephine. She despises Josephine because of how Nat gave his all into their relationship).
Mrs. Jones:   What are you doing here?
( Josephine was speechless)
Mrs. Jones:   You want to destroy my family again?
Josephine:  No Mum.
Mrs. Jones:   Don't call me Mum. I'm not your mother! I asked you a question and I deserve an answer.
Josephine:   A friend invited me here.
Mrs. Jones:   Well, you are not needed here. You can leave now (long pause) Get out!.
(Josephine was speechless and tears began to fall from her eyes again).
Mrs. Jones: leave now before I create a scene.
Josephine: I am so sorry for what my family put your family through.
( Josephine left the washroom).
(Mrs. Natali never wanted Josephine for her son. She blamed her for every downfall her family had gone through and no one knew exactly why she despised her deeply but rumors had it that Josephine's mum was secretly having an affair with Nat's dad and that her mum was spending Mr.Jones' money which resulted to his business collapsing).

(Josephine entered her car and began to cry. She didn't know where to go. At that moment, Nicholas was calling so she answered the call)
On phone
Nicholas: Hey what's up
(Josephine couldn't control her tears and cried out)
Nicholas: Whats wrong? Talk to me. Where are you? [worried]
Josephine: I just want to die. I just want to...[ sobbing uncontrollably]
Nicholas: Josephine please talk to me.What's going on? [worried]
Josephine : [sobbing] I don't even know where to start from... I feel so stupid ( unable to continue talking) Maybe I should have just stayed in Europe.
Nicholas: Calm down Josephine, please calm down. [ long pause] Where are you right now? Send me your location I'm coming over. [anxious]
Josephine: Okay.
(They ended the call and she sent her location. Minutes later he arrived at where the party was taking place. They both got down from their cars and Josephine ran to hug him. They hugged for a very long time).
Nicholas: Are you okay? Do you want anything? [anxious]
Josephine: Just take me away from this place.
Nicholas: Okay. But do you have any place in mind?
Josephine: Maybe to your place. I just want to get out of this place!
Nicholas: Okay just calm down. I will let a friend pick up your car tomorrow.
(Josephine nodded)
(They walked to Nicholas' car and he opened the car door for Josephine before he sat in the car. They were quiet on their way when Nicholas broke the silence in the car).

Nicholas' car
Nicholas: Hope you are okay.
Josephine: yes [faint smiling]
Nicholas: Is the temperature okay for you? Are you warm enough?
Josephine: Nicholas I'm fine. [smiling]
Nicholas: finally you are smiling [happy]. Please tell me what happened.
Josephine: Did you know Nat was organising a party for his dad's birthday?
Nicholas: Yes I did. He invited me but I wasn't in the mood for partying. Why he never told you?
( She nodded sadly).
Josephine: Do you know Barbara?
(Nicholas was speechless)
Josephine: Did you know Nat was married to her? I saw a wedding ring on her finger and what hurts most is she has children. Nat has lied to me for so long. [she wailed]
Nicholas: Hmmm
( They stopped talking till they got home )

Nicholas house
( Claudia came out to meet Nicholas when she saw him with another girl. She angrily walked back in. Josephine felt a bit uncomfortable but Nicholas held her hand tight and told her not to worry. They walked in and he offered her a seat. He made sure she was comfortable before  serving her wine . He went into his bedroom to talk to Claudia).

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