A wall apart

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(Nat felt sad and glad at the same time. He was sad his friend was in a critical condition and glad because he had Josephine in his arms again. He removed his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe her tears. Josephine on the other hand felt comfortable to be in his arms. After sometime, she drew back when she felt she was okay and explained everything that had happened to Nat. Nat was speechless. He got annoyed at the fact that he told Nicholas never to confess his feelings for Josephine which Nicholas did anyways. As they were sitting down quietly, Josephine spoke.
Josephine:  You knew Nicholas had feelings for me right?
(He nodded)
Josephine:  Why did you still keep him close ?
Nat:   Nicholas is a good person. He knew I had feelings for you but he promised never to be a hindrance to our relationship. He kept his promise though. Everytime I saw him close to you, I hardly got jealous to be honest because I knew he always appeared to you as a good friend. He was selfless, loving and caring.
(Josephine smiled)
Josephine:  He had a very big heart too. When we were young, he used to help the elderly to the point I had to walk home alone because he wanted to assist someone with their heavy loads. [giggling]. Such a crazy guy.  How can I forget how much he helped Lucy. He gave his lunch money to Lucy everytime  because she didn't have any.
(Nat laughed)
Josephine:  Why are you laughing?
Nat:   Nicholas had a crush on Lucy.
Josephine: [laughing] Really?.  I suspected it but, he kept on denying it.
Nat:  He had a crush on her but he really loved you. It's difficult to talk about how he felt about you. (Short pause).He wanted you to figure it out by yourself. I remember he told me if you ever figure it out, he will date you and honestly I was scared [giggling].
Josephine:   It's sad I had to find out this way.
Nat: Would you have dated him if you found out?
(Josephine was silent)
Nat: Never mind. Lets go in and see how everything is going.
( They entered the hospital and saw Claudia in tears. Josephine hated herself whenever she saw Claudia crying. Nat went to comfort Claudia as they were waiting for the results. Hours later, the doctor came out from the surgery room to give them the results. They gathered around the doctor).
Nat: How is he?
Dr. Max: We managed to correct the damage in his brain but some of the objects cannot be removed because of the position at which it is. I'm sorry to say he might not live for long so make his few days a memorable one.
(Claudia fell to the ground )
Claudia: He's going to die [weeping]
Dr. Max: we did what we could do.
Claudia: Where is he? I want to see him.
Dr. Max: We are transferring him to the post operating room. After some time you can get to see him. I have to attend to other patients.
Nat: Thanks Doctor.
( Josephine broke down. She left the hospital in tears. Nat was in a dilemma on whether to go after her or he should comfort Claudia. He decided to stay with Claudia because he knew she needed someone beside her the most.
Claudia: I shouldn't have left the house. It's all my fault.
Nat: Hey! Don't say that. It's no one's fault.
Claudia: It's my fault. If I had never left, he wouldn't have had an accident.
(Nat was quiet)
Claudia: Is he going to die? Am I going to be alone? [she broke down and cried]
Nat: You'll never be alone. I'll always be with you. Please let's stop talking about his death. I know Nicholas is a strong man. He'll survive it.
Claudia: I pray so.

Hours later
( Claudia fell asleep on Nat's shoulder. After a while, Josephine came back and saw Claudia asleep on Nat. Nat raised his head and smiled at Josephine. Nat tried to hide his pain so he could comfort them. He kept praying for Nicholas and was really scared he will lose him. As he was thinking, Nurse Omar walked towards them to grant them the permission to visit Nicholas in his hospital room. Nat woke Claudia up and told her it was time to visit Nicholas. They went in and saw Nicholas lying down on his sick bed. Claudia drew closer and kissed him on the forehead. She couldn't control her tears when she saw Nicholas. Nat was standing next to Nicholas' bed trying to hold back his tears. Seeing his best friend in a sick bed broke his heart. Josephine gazed at Nat and knew he was miserable so, she grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the hospital.  She took him out to get some fresh air).
Josephine: How do you feel? I know you have been holding back your tears.
Nat: It's really hard to see someone you love in a dying condition. He is like a brother to me.
Josephine: I know how it feels. When my dad died, I felt all hopes were lost until I met Nicholas. He was more like a brother to me than a friend. He took the role of my father in my life. He was always there for me and now I have to be there for him.
Nat: Nicholas had his own problems but he never showed them. He was always concerned about his friends because seeing us happy makes him happy.
Josephine: I don't want to imagine live without him.
(They both hugged)

Nicholas' hospital room
(Nicholas woke up minutes later and found Claudia asleep on the chair beside him. He smiled and called out her name. She woke up and kissed him on the lips.
Claudia:  Thank God you are awake. What happened to you?
Nicholas:  I was driving to work when I got crushed by two big trucks. I tried to overtake the truck in front of me because he was moving slow. When he noticed I was trying to overtake him, he began to block me but I was persistent in overtaking him. I noticed a truck coming from the other lane right in front of me speeding and when I tried to join my own lane, it was already too late. So yeah, looking at me right now, I don't have to tell you what happened next.
Claudia:   These drivers have to spend some years behind bars.
Nicholas:  No just let it go. We were all injured after all. [smirking]
Claudia:  No. yours is critical. Look at what they've done to you. I thought I almost lost you [sad]
Nicholas:   I thought I lost you for good when you left the house. I am so sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Claudia:   I am sorry for how I reacted as well. I shouldn't have left the house in the first place.
Nicholas:   You had every reason to react.
(Josephine and Nat walked in)
Nicholas: My two favourite people.
Josephine: You are awake. How are you feeling?
Nicholas: I'm better [smiling]
Nat: How did this happen?
Nicholas: I tried to overtake a truck and I've ended up here [laughing]
Nat: This isn't funny you know. Look at your condition now.
Nicholas: I am feeling better now .
Claudia: I want to use the bathroom. I'll be back.
Nicholas: Okay Babe.
(Claudia excused herself and Josephine followed after some minute)
Nat: Tell me the truth, how are you feeling?
Nicholas: I am dying .
( Nat was sad)
Nicholas: You know when you get sad I become sad as well. Don't worry about me I'll be fine. How far with you and Josephine? I can see you two have made up already. [happy]
Nat: Not really. You are the reason we are all here.
Nicholas: I'm glad I brought you two together [happy]
Nat: I wish we had not made peace with you being in a hospital bed.

Ladies washroom
Claudia:   Why are you following me?
Josephine:  I am not following you. I want to use the washroom.
Claudia:  Isn't that a coincident. You are the reason Nicholas is lying on a sick bed.
( Josephine was speechless)
Claudia:  Nicholas and I were very very happy until you appeared from nowhere. [crying]
Josephine:  I am sorry [sad]
Claudia:   It's already too late to be sorry. Your apologies won't recover him!  Your apologies wouldn't undo what has happened! [shouting]. Just pray he doesn't die. Pray really hard because if he does, you wouldn't have peace as long as I live. [threatening]
(Claudia walked into a cubicle and Josephine stood there thinking)

Nicholas' hospital room
Nicholas: Everything happens for a reason. (long pause). Have you heard from my parents?
Nat: I called them earlier on. They said they'll book a flight ticket today. Hopefully by tomorrow they'll be here.
Nicholas: I don't think I can make it till tomorrow.
Nat: Don't talk like that.
Nicholas: I'm just pulling your legs. [sneering]
Nat: Man, you need to stop making such jokes.
(Nicholas laughed)
Nicholas: I owe you an apology.
Nat: For what?
Nicholas: I promised I would never express my feelings towards Josephine and I broke my promise.
Nat: I'll forgive you now but when you recover you owe me a date. [joking]
Nicholas:  I saw this coming. [laughing]
(Nicholas laughed so hard and began to cough out blood)
Nat: Nicholas, look!That's blood.
(Nicholas continued to cough out blood)
Nicholas: Call the doctor [coughing]
(Nat rushed out to get the nurse and the doctor. He came back and saw his friend lying down helplessly. The nurse told Nat to wait outside. Josephine and Claudia came back and saw Nat standing outside )
Claudia: Why are you standing outside?
Nat: I was in there talking to him and he was laughing then I realized he started coughing out blood [fumbling]
(Josephine went closer to hug Nat)

Hours later
(Dr. Max came out from Nicholas room)
Dr. Max: I'm sorry. We did our best to save him but we couldn't.
Claudia: What do you mean Doctor?
Dr. Max : He couldn't make it.
( Claudia fell on the ground and began to weep. Josephine tried to comfort her but she refused to let Josephine touch her.)
Dr.Max: I'm sorry.
(Dr. Max excused himself. It was hard to believe that Nicholas was not with them anymore).

You live forever in my heart Jeremiah👑.
Rest in Peace💔
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