I miss you

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                          Chapter Five

(Nat was so worried about Josephine. The fact that he couldn't get to see her every morning he woke up made him sad. He really missed her. He tried reaching out to her but she wasn't answering the call. At the party, his mum told him she never wanted to see Josephine again. She called both Barbara and Nat and spoke to them after Barbara reported to her that Nat wasn't sleeping at home. This made his mum furious to the extent that, she slapped him. She told him to move his stuff back to their home. Nat felt hopeless and obeyed his mum. Barbara was excited everything was moving as she planned but was still not satisfied. She wanted to see Josephine in a miserable state and wouldn't rest till she accomplished it. Nicholas' behaviour began to change as well. He became so concerned about Josephine and wasn't paying much attention to Claudia. This made her jealous and wanted to find a way to kick Josephine out of the house before the week ended. Nicholas had left for work early in the morning leaving Claudia and Josephine home. Josephine was in the living room watching her favourite show when Claudia showed up).
Claudia:  I need the tv remote. I want to watch my show.
Josephine:   But I'm already watching something. Can't you wait?
Claudia:  This is my house and you can't tell me what to do.
Josephine:  You mean, this is Nicholas' house.
Claudia:   That's not your business.  You met me here when you came.
Josephine:   Please I don't want to argue with you. When I'm done watching my show then you can watch yours.
( Claudia became extremely angry and walked closer to Josephine to snatch the tv remote from her. She sat comfortably on the couch and changed the channel. Josephine nodded and went into the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast. Claudia followed her to the kitchen).
Claudia:   What do you think you are about to do?
Josephine: To make breakfast.
Claudia:    Have you bought anything here to make your breakfast with?
Josephine:   Claudia, What has come over you?
Claudia:   You have no right to ask me such a stupid question.
(Josephine went into her room to get dressed for work even though she decided not to go. She couldn't spend the whole day in the house with Claudia because she knew it could trigger a fight between them. She wore her office outfit and drove off to work. On her way, she was making plans on how to get an apartment to rent for the mean time.  She didn't want to spend a long time in Nicholas house even though he never mentioned to her when she should leave. On Nat's side, ever since he moved in with Barbara again, he always left home earlier than his usual time. He got to work thirty minutes before time and fell asleep in his office couch until his secretary knocks on his door to submit some documents.  Nicholas was so excited about Josephine living with him. He knew he had finally got the opportunity to win her over but whenever the thought of Claudia being in his house come into his mind he gets annoyed.
Nicholas:   She has to leave. I don't know how but she has to leave. This is the only opportunity I got to win Josephine's heart all over again.
(As he was talking to himself, his phone rang. The call was from Nat. Hesitantly, he answered).

On phone
Nicholas:   Hello?
Nat:  Nicholas what's up?
Nicholas:   I am at work. Is anything the matter?
Nat:   No. Everything is fine. I wanted to know if Josephine is at home.
Nicholas:   I left the house quite early. But she was at home before I left (getting annoyed)
Nat:  I want to see her and I want to settle matters with her. I'm not able to sleep comfortably after what happened that day and the thought of she hating me makes everything worst.
Nicholas:  I understand you. My girlfriend and Josephine are home now. Go and check for yourself. I really wish I could help you now but I'm at work and you know my office policy is not to make a phone call while at work.
Nat:  Sorry for worrying you ... I can't thank you enough. I will go there now. Thanks
Nicholas:  welcome.
(Call ended)
(Nicholas was annoyed about the fact that he will be going home to reconcile with Josephine when he had plans to win her over. Nat wore his coat and left his office. He told his secretary he was going out for some fresh air and wouldn't be available for about an hour. He went to the car park  and drove away. Minutes later, he arrived at Nicholas' place.

Nicholas' house.
(He drove his car into Nicholas' home. Claudia peeped through the curtains to see who it was. She was breathtaking by Nat's appearance. She was cleaning the living room in a haste when he knocked on the door. After some time, she opened the door).
Nat:   Hello. I'm Nat, Nicholas' friend. [smiling]
Claudia:  Hi I'm Claudia.[smiling]
Nat: Nicholas has said a lot about you. [smiling]
(She shook hands with Nat and offered him a seat).
Claudia:   Would you like anything to drink?
Nat:   Water will be enough for me.
Claudia:  Alright I'll be back.
( She entered the kitchen and wanted to scream with excitement but she controlled herself. Nat was the kind of man she always wanted. A handsome man with big biceps and pink lips. His height was perfect and his smile was just so extra. She didn't want to take so long in the kitchen. She grabbed a tray, a glass and a bottle of water and put it on the tray. She served Nat and took her seat on the other chair next to him).
Claudia:  So what brings you here. Nicholas isn't home.
Nat:   Oh yeah I know he's at work. I came to see Josephine.
(Claudia's mood suddenly changed).
Claudia:  Oh Josephine.  She went out.
Nat:   Do you know when she'll be back?
Claudia:  No. She didn't tell me where she was going to but it seemed as if she was going to work.
Nat:   Oh [disappointed].
Claudia: Why? Is there any problem? [ pretending not to know what was going on]
Nat:  Oh not really. I just wanted to see her and talk to her.
Claudia: Okay but it's unfortunate she isn't here.
(There was an awkward silence between them for a while. The only sound in the room was from the television).
Nat:   I have to leave now.
Claudia:   So soon?
Nat:  Yeah. I took a small break out and my time is almost up.
Claudia:   Alright. I hope I get to see you again. [sounding desperate].
Nat:  Yeah sure.
Claudia: Let me walk you out
Nat: Don't worry about it. I'll let myself out.
Claudia: I insist.[ smiling]
(She escorted him outside and waved him goodbye as he drove away. Nat drove to Josephine's work place to meet her. He knew he couldn't end the day without seeing her. He arrived minutes later at her workplace. He walked to the front desk to ask the receptionist where her office was. He insisted on them no telling her who he was and they complied. The receptionist showed him where her office was and he thanked them and left. Before entering her office, he checked to see if he looked okay then, he knocked on the door.)

Josephine: Yes. Please come in.
(He hesitated to enter because he was scared about how she would react when she sees him. Josephine was attentive to see who it was as Nat slowly opened the door.)
Nat entered).
Josephine: What do you want here?!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Share your thoughts about that. Stay blessed🍀

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