"I never stopped loving you"

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                                               Part 2
(Nat was surprised. He didn't expect Josephine to react the way she did).
Nat: Josephine please I need to talk to you. [begging]
Josephine: I am busy.
Nat: Could you spare me twenty minutes of your time.
Josephine: I said I am busy. [angrily]
Nat: I know you are mad at me but I need to explain everything to you.
Josephine: Get out of my office!
Nat: If that's what you want [sad tone]. Always remember I still love you and I will never stop loving you.
( Nat quietly left her office. Josephine was touched by his words and she began to cry. She picked up her handkerchief from her drawer to wipe her tears. Nat walked to his car completely lost. He had never seen this kind of hatred in Josephine's eyes before. He sat in his car and drove off to his office. His secretary noticed a sudden change in his behavior and didn't know how to approach him with important documents. She decided to handle those documents by herself so she could give him some time to rest. Josephine on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about what happened. She couldn't deny the fact that she loves Nat so much and misses him badly. She wished she could see him again and hug him but whenever she remembered what happened in the past week it gives her a change of mind. She was going through some documents when Barbara's name popped up in her mind. She knew she had met Barbara before but couldn't recognize her by the face only by the voice. She decided to investigate Barbara but didn't know how to go about it. She had an idea to throw a get-together party with her old friends, maybe she would get some information from one of them so she contacted Tracy. Tracy gave Josephine some friends contact and she called all of them to greet them. She had fan contacting each of them to catch up on old stories.  It was almost eight in the evening when she packed her bags and went home. Nicholas was already in the living room waiting to speak to her. She dropped her bag on the couch and sat on the couch opposite his).

Nicholas' House
Nicholas:  Where are you from?
Josephine: From work.
Nicholas:   I tried calling you several times but your number was busy.
Josephine:    Yeah I was talking to old friends [smiling].
Nicholas:   At least you should have called me back [worried]
Josephine:    I'm sorry. I didn't see your missed call.
( It was weird how Nicholas was acting but she decided to play along)
Nicholas:   Did you meet Nat today?
Josephine:   Yes. He came to my office. I don't want to talk about him.
Nicholas:   So you weren't home when he came?
Josephine:   He came home? [surprised] No I was at work.
Nicholas:   Ok.
Josephine:   You are behaving differently. Hope everything is fine.
Nicholas:  Yeah. Just worried about you.
(She remembered something)
Josephine:   Do you know anything about Barbara?
Nicholas: Nat's Barbara? Not really. I just know her dad is a millionaire and owns a lot, I mean, a lot of businesses [exaggerating] and her mom owns boutiques.
Josephine:   What about her background life?
Nicholas:  I heard she lived in the States all her life and came down to start some businesses when she met Nat. That was what Nat told me.
Josephine:   Ok.
Nicholas:   Why the sudden interest?
Josephine:   Just wanted to know. Her voice sounds familiar but I cannot recognise her by the face .
Nicholas:  I heard something too. I heard back in the States she had plastic surgery but no one really knows the reason why. She doesn't talk about her surgery with Nat.
Josephine:   Ok. That's strange.
(She was interested in why Barbara had the plastic surgery but she knew Nicholas had no information about it so, she reserved her questions)
Josephine:   Nicholas.
Nicholas:   Yes.
Josephine:  I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. Showing me so much love and keeping me here makes me feel more appreciated.
Nicholas :  you are always welcome [happy]
Josephine:   I'm searching for my own apartment so I can move out soon. I have contacted a couple of realtor to get me a good apartment.
Nicholas:  Did I do anything wrong? [sad]
Josephine:  Not at all. I just feel like a third wheel and I want to give you two the privacy you once had.
Nicholas:  No no no. You can stay here as long as you want.
Josephine:  [smiling] You know it's not possible.
Nicholas:  It is possible. Please don't leave me.
Josephine:   You have Claudia.
Nicholas:  I want you Josephine.
( There was an awkward silence between them)
Josephine:   This isn't right, Nicholas.
(Nicholas got closer to Josephine).
Nicholas:   Josephine, I love you. I have kept this from you for almost  twenty years now and I can't hold it in me anymore. Ever since you moved in with me,I couldn't be any happier to have you close to me. Please don't go.
Josephine:  What about Claudia?
(He scratched his head in confusion)

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