The truth

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                                       Chapter Two
(Nat couldn't believe who he was seeing. He pinched himself several times to be sure it wasn't one of those his daydreams. She spotted him from afar and walked towards him with a smile on her face. Nat grabbed her closer and hugged her tightly. She felt so happy to finally be in the arms of her soulmate. Minutes later, they stopped hugging and dragged Josephine's bags to the car. He packed the bags into the trunk of his car and shut it. They sat in the car and had their seatbelts put on, ready to leave the airport. Their journey was a peaceful one since Josephine fell asleep throughout the journey and didn't noticed when Nat got down from the car to get a sim card for her. They finally arrived at Nat's place and Josephine woke up. She fell in love with the surrounding. Everything was kept clean and tidy even the grasses were neatly mowed and the hedges were trimmed. She walked around to admire the flowers. Nat smiled at her as he unpacked her bags from the car and with the help of the security guard, they  packed the bags into the living room).
Josephine: This place looks better than some homes in Europe.
(Nat laughed as he dragged her bags into his bedroom)
Josephine: I never knew you had taste for quality things .[she teased]
(Nat walked back to the living room were Josephine was)
Nat: Now that's a lie.
Josephine: Okay just a little and I am very impressed.
( They smooched and he kissed her on the forehead)
Nat: I missed you so much
Josephine: I missed you more.
(They were admiring each other when Josephine felt the urge to use the washroom)
Josephine: Where's your washroom?
(He directed her to the washroom and went back to the living room to watch his favorite tv show, while he relaxed on the couch. Everything was happening so fast and he couldn't believe Josephine was indeed with him. She came out from the washroom and rushed to the bedroom to pick up her towel so she could have her bath. She put on her favorite knee-level silk night gown after bathing and joined Nat to watch the show).
Nat: Have you had a bath already? You didn't even call me to join you.
Josephine: I'm sorry [she laughed]
Nat: Now I've to bath alone. [sounding childish]
(She giggled as Nat walked into the bedroom to put on his morning coat and towel to have a shower. He got dressed after bathing and joined Josephine in the living room to watch an American movie. They laughed when a scene was funny and they shared their  thoughts on how the movie will end. As they were discussing, Nat's phone beeped and he reached for his phone which was on the center table. It was a text from his dad which read "Meet me in my office tomorrow ". His mood suddenly changed as he put his phone beside him).
Josephine: Are you okay?
Nat: Yes. It's just a network message. [ he lied]
Josephine: Okay [ she prolonged it]
( She adjusted herself back into Nat's arms to finish watching the movie. The movie ended minutes later and the switched off all the lights and went to bed).
Nat: Good night.
(He kissed her on the forehead and she smiled)
Josephine: Good night.
(They snuggled.)

Next Day
(Nat woke up early to get dressed for work because he had to meet his dad. Josephine was up early as well to make breakfast for themselves when Nat came into the kitchen in his suit and tie).
Josephine:   I thought you weren't going out today.
Nat:   Neither did I. I forgot to attach some documents to my CV so I have to rush to do that. [he lied]
Josephine:   What about your breakfast? Would you rather eat it at home or at work?
Nat:   Just package it for me. I'll eat it in the car.
Josephine:  Alright.[ sad tone]. I will be going to visit my mum today and I wanted to go with you. You know she is fond of you [smiling]but I guess you have other plans.
Nat:   I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. My regards to her.
Josephine:    Okay. I will tell her
( Nat rushed to the bedroom for his handbag as she was having the food packaged. She had the food packaged in no time and he left the house after kissing Josephine on the lips. He drove faster so he could escape the early morning traffic because he knew his dad was a punctual man).

Jones' Company
(Nat arrived a minute early and parked his car at his usual spot. He got down from the car with his handbag and walked into the company. It's been only three days since he had not been to work and everything looked different to him. He rushed for the elevator to the 7th floor where his father's office is. He knocked on his father's door and entered. Surprisingly, his dad was already seated.
Nat:   Good morning dad.
( Mr.Jones nodded).
Mr Jones:   Have a seat
( He pulled the chair from under the desk and sat in front of his dad)
Mr. Jones:   I ordered for the attendance book and noticed you have been absent for three days. What's going on?
( Nat was speechless)
Mr. Jones:   I spoke to Barbara yesterday and she told me you were all dressed up for work during these few days and you never showed up to work.
Nat:   Dad-
( His father cuts in)
Mr. Jones:   I don't know what is happening in your house and I wouldn't like to know. Whatever the problem maybe, just make sure you fix it. The Wilson family has been of great help to us and I wouldn't want to let them down unless you want to see your parents sleeping on the streets.
( Nat was out of words so he nodded)
Mr. Jones:   Get back to work tomorrow. I'm giving you today off to settle whatever problems you have at home just make sure it is under control.
Nat:  Yes Dad.
Mr. Jones:   I'm expecting a client. You can leave now.
Nat:   Thank you.
( He walked out from his dad's office sadly. On his way to the elevator he met Barbara who was already there waiting for the elevator to arrive. They both entered the elevator at the same time and there was an awkward moment between them for sometime).
Nat:   What are you up to?
Barbara:   What do you mean by what am I up to? [confused]
Nat:   What did you tell my dad?
Barbara:  I told him whatever he needed to hear. You should be thanking me I didn't tell him  that you do not sleep at home .
Nat:   You wouldn't dare.
( She smiled evilly and Nat laughed).
Barbara:  And what's so funny?
Nat:   You are.
Barbara:   I'm now some sort of joke to you. Wait until I tell them everything.
( They arrived on the floor Barbara was supposed to get off. Nat clutched her arm to stop her).
Nat:   You are atrocious. I want to see the look in their face when I tell them you are a whore.
Barbara:   What do you mean? Let go off my arm.
(She tried to remove her arm but Nat was too strong to let go off it).
Nat:   I know Jimmy and Jacqueline aren't my kids .
Barbara:   What prove do you have?
Nat:   I have a DNA report to prove it.
(Barbara was speechless.)
Nat:   Tell me... [he paused]. How will they feel if they find out Jimmy and Jacqueline aren't my kids or should I tell them you never went for the rehab. You bribed the staffs so no one will know about it.
(Barbara removed her arms with force as rage was all over her face. She got off the elevator and turned to Nat who smiled and waved at her before the elevator closed. She walked into her office furiously and went into her cupboard to pick one alcoholic drink she had hidden and drank it directly from the bottle. Nat walked into his car and drove off).
Nat's home
( He parked his car and walked into the house).
Nat:   Josephine?, Josephine, Josephine.
(He searched the house for her and couldn't find her. He remembered she had told him earlier on she'll be visiting her parents. He entered his bedroom and fell unto his bed to rest. Hours later Josephine arrived home and found Nat asleep with an inspirational book beside him. She smiled and picked up the book which she put on the bed side table. She changed into a more comfortable dress and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. Nat woke up minutes later and joined Josephine in the kitchen).
Josephine:  Hey you are awake. Dinner will be ready soon.
Nat:   I can't wait [he teased]
Josephine:   So how was your day?
Nat:   It was great and I had the job. I have to begin work tomorrow.[ he lied]
Josephine:    That's great [excited], Then I guess I have to show up at work tomorrow as well to check out my new office.
Nat:   Yes.
(Josephine had the table set and served the food. It was a wonderful moment to be together to talk about their beautiful past. Everything seemed to be moving on well between them).

Six Weeks Later
(Josephine was shopping at the mall when she met her high school friend, Tracy on the same aisle . She wasn't too sure if it was her because it's been years since they met).
Josephine: Tracy? [confused]
(Tracy turned to see who was calling her)
Tracy: Josephine?
Josephine : Yes! [excited]
( They hugged and complimented each other. Josephine suggested they hang around for sometime to catch up on old stories. They shared funny moments together and laughed out).
Josephine: Let's put that side. You look so pretty.[she complimented]
(Tracy was fluttered )
Tracy: Thank you. You look good yourself. So how long have you been in Ghana?
Josephine: for a month now I guess.
Tracy: That's nice. So are you still with that guy [thinking]...
Josephine: Nat? [laughed]
Tracy: Yes that guy.
Josephine: Yes. [she smiled].
Tracy: Where do you live now and where do you work so I can pass by one day to a pay a visit.
Josephine: I live in Tema and work at Johnson and Johnson Company.
Tracy: WOW that's far from were I work and stay. I live in Osu and work at the Bank of Ghana.
(Josephine was excited)
Josephine: Nat Jones works there too.
Tracy: What a coincidence.
Josephine : Yes. He works there. He is in the Treasury Management Department
(Tracy was a bit confused because she is the head  of that department and hadn't met anyone with that name)
Tracy: Are you very sure? That's my department too and I am the head of that department. I went through the files of the employees just yesterday and there wasn't anyone with that name. When was he enrolled?
(Josephine looked very confused )
Josephine: About a month ago.
Tracy: That's strange. We don't have any Nat Jones working in my department.
Josephine: Oh maybe I got the bank wrong. My bad [she lied]
( Tracy checked the time on her phone and she realized she was running late. She had to get back to the office. They hugged each other again and exchanged contact before Tracy left. Josephine was in her thoughts. She knew she hadn't mistaken the name of the bank or was Nat hiding something from her?).

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
Question of the day: When was the last time you met an old friend and what were some of the memories you shared together?

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