Chapter 30

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We drove to a spot and Josh got out. He wasn't panicking so I figured maybe he hadn't followed us.

"Jesse he's here. Yea. No. Were at the spot. Yea. Okay. Bye." Click. He went and stood by the edge of the woods watching. I was to scared to ask what was going on and I don't know wether I should get back in the truck or not. Another truck pulled and I was scared. Who could be in that truck? The door opened and my heart raced.

"Jesse!" I screamed and ran to him.

"Hey baby!" he said as I was finally in his arms again.

"Oh my god your okay!" I screamed! I looked in his eyes. Then all of sudden his lips landed on mine. When we finally broke the kiss he said,

"Baby, that was our first kiss." I smiled and kissed him again.

He finally put me down and we walked over to Josh and Taylor. I never wanted to let go of Jesse's hand.

"Josh is he coming?" Jesse asked now that we were all standing in a circle.

"It was him at the house, he'll be here." We waited and talked. We waited, we listened for any signs of him but didn't hear nothing. Soon we gets the rumbling noise.

"Get behind the truck and sit there till we tell you to come out." I crouched down underneath the big truck right next to Taylor. I couldn't see much, but I herd the door of the pick up shut.

"It's bout time you showed."

"I wouldn't miss it, it's either you or the girl." I wanted to cry, I didn't know what was going and Jesse was out there.

"I will beat you within in an inch of your life Jesse! I shot you once and you should have died then!" he yelled. There was a lot of weird noises and I knew that they were throwing punches. I could hear the moans and the noise of fist on face. I wanted to cry. I started too, but Taylor grabbed me and she was crying too. There was a thud and then her dad hit the ground in front of us. He just laid there, limp, but not lifeless.

"Girls you can come out now. " I crawled out along with Taylor.

"Jesse! Oh my!" His eye was swollen shut and he was bleeding. I looked over at Josh and he had bloody nose and mouth.

"Call the cops." I dialed the number and began telling them about the fight. I began crying. I hung up when I could hear the cops and I grabbed Jesse. I held him until the paramedics had to look at him. The cops came to talk to me and I told the whole story from the very beginning. I probably told the story at least 3 times. I cried through all of them.

We were put in a conference room and I was finally reunited with Jesse again. It was late but I had lost all track of time. I was tired so I curled up in Jesse's arms, wrapped up in his sweatshirt, laying on the floor. A while later another cop came in and said that they had gotten us a hotel room. We were brought back to the trailer and allowed to get our stuff. Then brought to the hotel room.

"Babe, you oaky?" Jesse said laying on the bed with his hands behind his head.
"Yea." I say on the edge of the bed down by Jesse's legs. Josh and Taylor had the room next to us.
"Come here, I know your not okay." I laid my head down on his chest.
"What happens when we go back? Are we gonna see each other? Jesse people are gonna talk about us." I said my voice quiet. Staring at his face was heart breaking. The cuts and scrapes all over, and especially the black eye looked like they hurt.
"Baby, everything will be okay. I haven't let anything happen to you yet and i'm not going to. Yea they are probably going to talk about us, but that's not going to matter. Carls get some sleep. The next few days are gonna be rough." I just laid there knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep. He was right though, our parents would come, we probably end up talking to more cops, probably not get sleep then. I didn't sleep for a long time but Jesse did. I just watched tv and then eventually slept.

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