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As soon as we made it to the house I jumped out the car and walked in. I decided to go straight for the stairs to my room.

"Hey baby, where's your dad?" Mom asked

I turned around "probably out here fucking around on you getting some bitch pregnant!"

"What?" She asked confused. By now dad had walked in.

"Tell her dad! Tell her how you had a whole child and didn't tell anyone!"

"KJ, Son, I need you to calm down so we can talk." Dad said

"Fuck that!" I spit, before I could say anything else I felt a strong hand around my neck.

"KEVIN! Let him go! NOW!!" My mom yelled. He dropped me to the ground as I struggled to find my breath, everything was a blur.

"OH MY GOD! KEVIN? You okay?? Baby!" I heard mom cry.

I gained my balance and looked over to see my dad curled up on the floor in a fetal position.
"Med-medicine cabinet. Va-very back."

Mom jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I crawled over and apologized.
"Dad? What's going on?!" I seen Safarii and Kari run down the stairs in tears. I ran over and held them back as mom ran back with his medication but by now my dad eyes were no longer open.

"Call 911!!" My mom yelled in tears.

Keeping PatienceWhere stories live. Discover now