Chapter 1: Go Beyond (White Rose)

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Chapter 1: Go Beyond (White Rose)

Writer: VinylScratch7

Sadness and darkness are natural cousins. Since ancient times, people have worn black to express their grief. Happiness is attracted to sunshine and depression to darkness. There is a certain romance in darkness and melancholy. There is something mysterious about that which is hidden and unknown. Dark poems may seek to romanticize sadness and depression.

You're running around in circles, with a smile on your face while your parents were laughing and enjoying seeing you happy.

"How did you like the film, Y/N?" Your Father asked you.

You turned around and smiled at your father. "It was amazing, I knew the hunter could beat him," you said, while you notice your father and mother taking a short route.

"Honey, are you sure this is a safe place to take a shortcut, we should have waited for Thancred," your mother said while worrying and looking around the place you and your family were taking.

"Oh calm down, honey, this is the safest route I promise," your father said.

The three of you were walking alongside while you were getting nervous now feeling unsafe, you quickly stood beside your parents, suddenly you stop and see a mysterious man in front of you.

He smiles and suddenly everything turns black, a shot was heard and a woman screams, then another shot was heard while a child crying was heard echoing your surrounding.

"Master L/N," a faint voice was heard. "Master L/N!" There was it again.

"Master L/N." You suddenly woke up and notice you were in your private Bullhead.

You turn your head and notice your butler, Thancred was looking at you with a worried look. You smile.

"You had that awful nightmare again did you?" Thancred said.

You nodded. "Seems like it." You look out the window.

"May I ask?" Thancred said.

"About the nightmare?" You look at him.

"No, Master L/N, I wanted to ask why did you go towards the mountains." You made an o shape knowing what he meant.

"Just wanted to clear my head and try to fix my thoughts." You smiled.

"For four years?" Thancred said.

"It was complicated," you answer.

Thancred Sighs. "Whatever you say Master L/N, you have a meeting with the director of the Schnee Dust Company, while you were away Mistress Cindy was trying to cover you while you were away and I think is time for The Owner of the L/N Company made a return."

You look at Thancred while in the thought of what he said. "Let's go to the meeting."

In the Schnee Dust Company meeting.

The Elevator door opens and you notice a Secretary working on her computer while not looking up from her screen. You walk towards the secretary while thancred was behind, the sound of typing was heard and the chewing on her bubble gum was also in the mix.

As you were about to open your mouth, the elevator door was opened, you turn your head and notice two girls coming out of the elevator, there were both sisters and somehow one of them is kinda annoyed.

"Why do we have to be here Winter?" She said.

"Because an important person is coming to meet us and Father specifics orders were for us to meet this person since he is the one who is the true owner of the dust company.

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