Chapter 4

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Arjun couldn't trust anything other than the text which he received. Radhika is here and she was here all the time and he did not notice her. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted her , his son wanted her, they wanted her and he know he will win her back. She is still his panoti deep down inside. 

He thought "But the problem was how to meet her. I mean if i go infront of her what is the guarantee that she will accept me and not run away again like the way she did five years back ??" Sighing he rubbed his face. It was that time he felt a small pair of hands encircling his neck from behind. A small kiss was placed on his cheeks and Arjun smiled big. He have to do that for his son, if not for him. This soul which yearns a mother's love should be given and that was the time he decided to become the old Arjun Mehra the manipulator but this time for himself and his wife but most importantly for his son. 

He smiled and held son's hand for the day's new adventure. Ayush was handful. and so was his Radhika. Chuckling thinking of his wife and her non stop banters they walked into a beautiful street of maple trees. Ayush ran to the pile of leaves as always yelling his dad to catch him. Ayush ran as fast as he can while Arjun just jogged to him not to kill the happiness of his son of getting caught too soon. 

The squeal of Ayush surrounded the entire lane. The passer by looked at the duo with a smile looking at them adorably. "Papa catch me..." he yelled making Arjun to run faster and lift him like a piece of feather and make him laugh with squeal in the middle. 

"Gotcha you little monkey..." Arjun whispered giving his escimo kiss to his son making me giggle cutely. "Papa when will we see momma ??" Ayush asked looking at his father with lots of hope. Killing that was killing him and Arjun had no thought of killing that. 

"What if i say today ??" Arjun asked in a doubtful tone. The sparkle in his eyes brightened and it made Arjun smile big. 

"Really ??" Ayush asked with a surprise tone. Arjun nodded his head and bounced Ayush in his arms. 

"Where ??" Ayush asked Arjun who was walking while they were singing Ayush favorite songs. Ayush fiddled in his arms making him to walk in the feet. Both were singing every song which they knew on high pitch They both laughed and sang walking and hoping. Arjun picked his mobile and there was the address where his panoti was living all the time. Taking a deep breathe he stood there infront of a designer showroom. One step everything around them will change forever. She will know she has a boy who is waiting for her. 

He walked away as he couldn't think anything straight. He thought he was not doing justice to his wife with that he walked away. It did hurt him the same way it hurt the day she left him in dark. 

Ayush forgot the topic of his mother and enjoyed his time in the park. They were enjoying but Arjun's heart yearned for atleast a glimpse of but his mixed heart was giving him every what if situations and he was honestly messed up both in his heart and mind. 

Just then as always Neil called Arjun, a soul who thinks Arjun was worthy other than his son. "Hey bud... how is my champ doing ??" Neil asked in a chripped tone. 

"Breathing Neil just breathing" Arjun sighed keeping an eye on Ayush. It had more than a hour since Arjun was in a park where Ayush was playing with the other kids. Something which Arjun wished to be a kid so nothing seems to affect them and their imaginary world. 

"What happened ??" Neil asked with concern. Arjun could see the face of Neil. 

"I found where is your chashni is..." He finally declared. Neil yelled on top of his voice and screamed Sam to come. That was something he never knew coming. There was a small commotion and Arjun could literally picture Sam slapping Neil for the yelling while he grinning like an idiot , her idiot to be precised.  

He said all the details regarding her. She calls herself Mehra and she was very good at hiding her identity. Arjun 

"You know i didn't know i lost the battle until i went to her shop and walked away when i cannot ruin her life making her think that she has a son but i couldn't break his heart. From the day i got him i ... i just said one thing, to get his mother back but when that is going to happen i walked away. I just couldn't bring up myself to face her. She hates me and that was the reason she left me." i spoke and that broke me even more. 

Neil sighed. He was speechless so was Arjun. 

This was hard for them. 

"She loves you Arjun , this is the reason she left as she couldn't think of anyone with you." Neil reasoned but Arjun did not accept the fact even if his heart was carving for the acceptance. 

When he turned he found Ayush speaking with a lady who was kneeling near him and he was talking with her animatedly which made Arjun smile. He thought this is how Ayush would have spoken when he meets Radhika. 

He continued to speak with Neil and Sam either. Just then someone tugged his shirt when he turned he lost the breathe. He didnot blink. An unshed tear was threatening to come from his eyes. 



Tadaa Bunny back to business. 

Thank you all for the patience... held up and this time for worst. 

So how was it ??

Until next week...

Your love...


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