Chapter 3

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When he walked out with Ayush he found Ayush was excited for the play area. The beautiful color ball play arena made Ayush excited. He was dragging Arjun and pleaded his father to let him play. Arjun had no heart to break this little heart of Ayush. 

He knelt down but still kept his face stoned. The little boy pouted and fiddled in the button of his shirt. Arjun had hard time to keep his face straight. "So you want to play there ??" 

It was hard for him to keep straight face but he wanted to see his son with that pout face. "So you need to go in there ??" he asked making Ayush nod with his head hung low. 

"You would not get hurt yourself are you ??" He asked making the little boy nod no but still looking at the ground. 

"Fine, i will wait here and you go and have some fun but only for half an hour after that we are going having lunch. Is that ok ??" Arjun asked now smiling making the little boy's glow in happiness making his head snap up to his father. 

"Thank you , thank you so much daddy..." he said hugging his father's neck. Smiling Arjun swirled and both laughed big. "Now be a good boy, i will get some of your favorite cars for you.." Arjun spoke now full energized Ayush. Kissing the cheeks of the little boy who now ran into the play area made Arjun chuckle. He ran but he was below the wall and the little boy pouted. Chuckling Arjun pulled his arms and threw him inside the ball pool which made him yell in happiness.  His little boy was a mess. Ayush had to stumble before running to the slide to run into the pool. 

Arjun got the call from Neil. He knew it was something Neil keeps on doing the day since she his life left him. He felt it was his responsibility to take care of Arjun when Radhika was not there. 

"So bro how are you and my fighter doing ??" came a response. Arjun chuckled and spoke in a duhh voice. It was as if for Arjun it felt that he finally had some family to take care off. 

Ayush was playing happily and when he found it was time he tried to get out of the play area. But he couldn't as it was too bigger for his small feet to cross. He was helplessly saw if his dad could help him but it turned out to be a lady to help him. He smiled and raised his hand at her while she caressed his hair with a smile. 

"There you go...." she said pulling him out of the play area. He saw her and hugged her with a smile and she kissed his cheeks. He shyly mumbled a small thank you which made her chuckle. She walked away and he stood there rooted looking at her without blinking. 


He ran to his father and dashed in his legs. Arjun saw him and picked him up with a smile. "Daddy, mommy was here..." he said making Arjun to forget to breathe. 

"Mommy ??" he asked making Ayush nod his head. "Yes daddy mommy. When i was informed my time is over in the play area i didn't know how to get out of there and mommy came and picked me and helped me out of the play area. She is so sweet just like the way you used to say. She is so nice daddy." Ayush spoke in a proud voice thinking of his mom who is such a sweet heart woman. 

Arjun held Ayush in his heart and held him tight. The curse of being away from her is about to get a remedy. She is here hiding from the world and he couldn't express what he was feeling. Should he be happy ?? should he be sad ?? should he even feel anything ?? Could he think Ayush saw his radhika ?? Will radhika ever forgive him ?? WIll she accept Ayush as her son ?? Will Ayush be loved by her ?? Many questions are been flooded in his head and he was partly paralised for the moment. 

"Ayush.. where did you see your mommy ??" Arjun asked with his heart beating frantically. The little boy pointed the direction and Arjun ran as faster as he could as he was in no mood to be away from his love. He is going to beg for her mercy and he knew she would always forgive him no matter what. He searched every place he could but he couldn't find her. His hopes of finding her has come true. Picking his mobile he called his associate who was working for him to find Radhika, and asked him to track the person to find her in Canada. 

"We will find your mom , I promise Ayush..." he said and kissed his forehead while the little boy nodded his head with a smile. He knew his father would keep up his words by finding his mother. 

Ayush was all the time speaking how cute his mother was how beautful her smile was. Arjun chuckled he knew Radhika was an angel sent to earth just for him and now for his son either. 

"So what will you do when you find your mom ??" Arjun asked Ayush who was sitting on the table while Arjun was feeding him the food. 

" I will ask mamma to be with me always and i will make her smile always just like i do you.." he said with his toothy smile. 

Arjun felt a proud father. His son was innocent not like him who was been robbed by revenge. He prayed that his son should always have this light in his life something which he never had until his light stepped into his life like a storm. 

Radhika came back to her house and closed her eyes as everything what happened the day crossed her eyes. 

Ankush has sent a person for her alliance. She said she can never marry anyone but that was unheard by her brother. She was waiting for the person just to say she doesn't want to get married to any other person as for her she is always married to her Arjun. 

After a good yell on his face who tried to flirt with her she walked out making herself clear that this is never happening. Walking out she found a little boy who was trying to climb on the wall to walk out of the kids zone. She was watching him for some time and suppressed her smile when he was angry with the wall. She walked to him and his big innocent eyes pleaded her to carry him out. He stretched his hands to her to lift him. She smiled and pulled him out and he hugged her tight in her legs. She smiled at the little boy. Ruffling his hair again she walked out. She went to her work place after getting the cab and finished her work and rushed back home. It was tiring not physically but mentally. 

Ankush is bugging her to settle but she couldn't help but think that she cannot see any one other than Arjun. She belongs to him but sadly for her she thought he never belonged to her. But what she never knew was there are two souls eagerly waiting for her and only for her, her husband and her son. 


Apologies for not updating, had few issues and also was sick in between. Was like totally dead. But yeah back to the form. Apologies once again. So how is it ??

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Until next week for this book, and i promise you i am updating this next week. 

Your love...


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