Chapter 8

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After sooo long i started to collect Arjun's pic for this book.. 

Ahem ahem... i cant resist it 

Can you guys can ??


It has been few days since Radhika came to live with Arjun and Ayush. Everything seems to be so normal but something was not. Every time she would cross him he would steel a glance of her or would brush her unknowingly to her but knowingly to him. She would glare at him but would never say anything as for her she doesn't want to get her hopes up. He enjoyed this cat and dog chase. 

It was a fine evening and Radhika was chilling in a park and turned to see her husband who was sitting near his cottage and looking at them. His appearance was intimidating making her loose her sanity. For her Arjun was too good to be her husband but what she doesn't know was he was literally holding himself from not to make any wrong step the way he did five years before. 

He had to wait for her and he was glad doing that. All he wanted was her and she was now with him. She was taking her own time to admire her husband and it was really hard for Arjun not to smile in pride as his wife was smitten by him. He had this puff of pride that this angel who is sitting with the little prince is only his and no one else. 

Walking in he yelled on top of the voice to enjoy his happiness. Texting Neil that he is finally happy he walked towards the kitchen to for some snacks for his son but when he saw Radhika in there he couldn't contain himself any more.

Walking towards her his heart beat rose up. He tried to even his breathe but that failed miserably. Slowly going to her he held her from behind , she finched in fear but when she found it was Arjun she did not fight any more. It was like she threw her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes with a sigh escaping her. It only encouraged him and he tightened his hold and pulled her even closer to him. It felt so right to both of them standing with each other molding as one. He slowly bent down to her neck to kiss her there. She sighed again but not once opened her eyes. They were just enjoying each other's presence, 

It was really needed for them. He kept his head on her neck crook and she was not complaining at all. She needed him as the way he needed her. They were the missing puzzle who would complete each other. He kissed her neck and she did not bother to stop him. He kissed her slowly again and to her cape. All she did was curled her toe and just stood there for him to do what ever he was planning to do. Suddenly they both jolted when Ayush started to scream calling them. Radhika rushed out not to see Arjun's smirk but missed that terribly by looking at him who raised his eye brows at her. She saw everywhere but him. She just rushed out but he was in no mood to leave her. 

"Sir... leave what if Ayush looks at us ??" Radhika tried to reason. But Arjun was in no mood to leave her. 

His hold was only tightening around her and she panicked when she could clearly hear Ayush's voice. " Sir ?!.." she demanded and he just pouted. "Give me some attention panoti you are giving your attention only to our son ??" he complained. She folded her arms and saw him with disbelief. "Really ?? you are complaining about this ?? What happened to the great mighty Arjun Mehra who would not even give a damn to any one and now all i see is you who is demanding my attention ?? " she asked him who couldn't control her curiosity. He sighed and held her to him and hugged her tight. 

"He died when his wife walked away when she couldn't be with him any more. He wanted her back but she just vanished in thin air, i died the moment when i did not find her but her letter asking me to be happy while she doesn't know where my happiness lies with. She walked away and i realised that how much i needed her and how much i missed her every breathe. "

She just saw him with her eyes widened. Was is this his way of confessing he loves her ?? Her heart was beating drastically while he held her face in his big and rough palm. They were just looking at each other and taking in their heart every detail about each other. 

Ayush rushed to them and pulled his mom to play with him but she was all the time looking at Arjun who saw her with the entire love he had. She just shook her head and concentrated to play with Ayush but all the time Arjun's words rand her head. Is he in love with her ?? Did really he love her or is he playing his game with her but her heart couldn't believe that he was ever 

He joined them and they played for some more time before heading back home. Radhika made Ayush to take his bath which he enjoyed making her sock in water and she dried herself and walked out finding Arjun getting ready for going out. "Where are you going ??" Radhika asked him while he gave her a breathy smile to her. 

"Get ready and you too young man we are going out. For dinner and movie !!" he said making them gasp. "This is something which i should have done long back. Go get ready momma it is a date for you while a happy dinner for my son.." he ruffled Ayush's messy hair and she blinked what the hell he said. 

Movie ?? Both yelled at him and he nodded his head. They yelled in happiness and rushed to their rooms making Arjun laugh at their childish wonder. After more than twenty minutes they both came out and Arjun stretched his arms for them. Both grabbed his either of his arms and the cab was waiting for them. The way towards their destination was total blabber of Ayush and the response from his mother. 

"Momma will you come to my school ?? I want to show you to that idiot Saurav who said i have no mother and i was been taken from the dustbin." the little boy's voice cracked in the end. Radhika wrapped her arms around him and he cling onto her. Radhika saw Arjun and he saw her back. The main question was will they be back together. It was the million dollar question for both of them. The air around was harsh and they tried hard not to ruin the moment for now. The mall was big. Ayush who seems to be dull few seconds was now in full charge of enjoying his time. He was hyper to enjoy. He pulled them towards anything seems to be attractive for him. After dinner they all sat for the Aladdin movie which was now Ayush's favorite. He was enjoying while his parent's were stealing glance of each other. Slowly Arjun held Radhika's hand and held it tight with no plan to leave her. 

But every start has an end like their happy times came to end in the name of her date which she never wanted to go. 


Tadaaa... Made it... SO so soooo... here is the chapter which i wanted to write a long back. So how was it ?? Did you guys like it ??

Only next part is balance then comes the epilogue... 

As i said it is a short story and i am sticking to my words. 

Until next update which i promise to make it soon...

Your love...



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