Chapter 6

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Radhika was still processing whatever happened few days before. Ankush was understanding her but she never walked out of her room which made him worried. When finally Ankush entered her room for dinner he found her lost in thoughts. Walking to her he sat next to her on her bed. "Choti what is bothering you so much ??" he asked her caressing her head. She turned to him and saw him with her teary eyes. 

"Do you know ??" she whispered.

"Know what ??" he asked clearly confused. 

"Arjun sir having a kid , did you know that ??" she asked him making his eyes wide a little. He masked them with his neutral face and turned to see the other side. He sighed and whispered. 

"Five years when you left Arjun adopted Ayush and said he wanted to inform you that he has got the son for you. I tried to speak but that went in vein. So from that day i made sure you were never known to this world and you never know anything about them. It is like you guys never met. Arjun tried to hard to find you and i have always have to be cautious so that one day neither of you would regret of walking away. He was not good first then he started to live with the way his life was but he never left the thought of finding you."

"And how did you know that ??" Ankush asked in a slight surprised voice. She said whatever happened in the park. Ankush was surprised that Arjun and Ayush was here. Even though he was not the blood Arjun was taking care of the boy as his own. 

Radhika was now a mess. A part of her wanted to go back, while another part of her wants to be away from them but what she really wants was to see the little boy's face one final time. Before she could even speak Ankush got a call. He walked out to give some time. Walking back he spoke to his sister.

"It was from Arjun." he sighed that made her stand. She walked to him when his face was a bit pale. "What happened ??" she whispered. 

"Ayush is sick. He was been asking for you and Arjun tried hard to explain that you won't come and the boy was not in the mood to listen. Resulting fever for him. Ayush is a week kid. Arjun has rushed Ayush to the near by hospital." It was all needed for her to break her walls which she had bulit around her heart for her son. Yes she felt the moment she held him firm he was her's no matter what. 

Ankush arranged the cab for her and she was unsure how to react. She felt she was responsible for his sickness and would do anything to take care of Ayush. She has to face Arjun which she is glad now to face him.

Running as faster as she can she inquired about the boy and after finding the ward where he was she rushed to him. Finally finding him she felt so ashamed of her. This pure soul which not even saw her once before loves her unconditionally. She felt herself responsible for his condition. She walked to him and stroke his hair. The boy looked pale and was still has running temperature. It was clearly because of his sickness. He was looking so tired and his little hand was been connected with I.V.

Finally Ayush opened his eyes and was really looking week. "Momma..." he called her making her break. She held him to her heart and showered him with kisses. The boy hugged her by holding her neck. A deep voice made her froze in her place. 

"What are you doing here ??" came the voice. She knew it was Arjun and she has to face his wrath but for now Ayush was her priority. Before she could speak he grind his teeth."It would be advisable if you can please leave us ma'am as it was clearly understood we are not at your botheration and we are expecting the same from you miss." 

Ayush hugged her in the stomach and he saw her with is big innocent eyes. Arjun sighed. This was going out of hands and he was the prime reason for this though. He tried to remove Ayush from Radhika but Ayush started to cry again not leaving radhika. 

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