Chapter 5

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It was a good day for Radhika. She banged a big customer and this would help their work much more notable in the market. After a bad day of making her get a guy for her life she felt relieved. Placing her telephone down she walked out to take a deep breath. It was it. A good day. She could feel herself proud of the contract. 

The day was breezy. She smiled as if she was finally free and it gave her a bit peace. She walked towards her home. More than other means of transport she wished to walk. It was a breezy day and she enjoyed the walk. Smiling for no reason she crossed a park where many kids were playing. They were playing with no worries. Their innocence where really a blessing for in this cruel world. She smiled at them and walked towards them and she found a familiar face. The little boy who asked her to lift her from the kids zone. She smiled at him and walked to him as he looked like Indian. 

She smiled at him when the boy saw her came running to her yelling momma while coming. Chuckling she picked him up. For some reason she found the little boy calling her mom made her happy not awkward. 

Sitting near a small bench she held the boy near her and he snuggled in her. Smiling at that she ran her fingers through his soft locks. He smiled and kissed her cheeks making her smile wide. 

"What is the name of my boy ??" she cooed him making him blush in shyness. He held her neck and hid his face in her neck crook making her chuckle. "Oh come one Mister, you are sitting on my lap hugging me but you won't say me your name ??" she cooed him again. He mumbled in a small voice as Ayush...

"Aahan so this little boy name is Ayush ??" she cooed him again. The boy could not help but be shy and just nod his head. I pulled his head from my neck but he was holding them firmly. 

"Oohh see this guy.." she cooed him again making the little boy pout and look complaining and that was adorable. She pulled his chubby cheeks and tickled him making him giggle. 

"Where is your father ??" Radhika asked and little Ayush pointed towards Arjun who was showing his back. She felt a familiar feature when she saw his back. The frame of broad shoulders the gigantic posture yet something in that so intimidating. Unknowing to her she walked towards him and her heart skipped several beats for some unknown reason. She walked further and the deep voice which her soul was yearning to hear once in her life time was now clearly heard. 

"papa...." the word from the boy made her look at her front and prayed god that it should be him but not him. She was now in emotional mess. She wanted him to be infront of her but she was scared if the little boy was his son with Sam. When he turned his eyes widened and her breathe was hitched in her throat. 

For Arjun it was a dream come true. Those years of yearning for her to come back. His love of his life who walked away has come back like an angel who has just come to end his cursed life. He felt like flying, like he was been waiting for this very moment for his entire life. His eyes were turning heavy when he couldn't dare blink them away. Finally the one who he was longing was in front of his eyes, just an arm distance. Still he felt distant. She was his Radhika still he felt different when he is looking at her. 

Radhika couldn't believe herself. Her Arjun is here infront of her and his eyes were widened with surprise, shock to be specified. The little boy ran through her and held Arjun's leg. The site pained her. She thought it was his and Sam's son.

"Papa momma is so beautiful right ??" the little boy asked Arjun and hid his face in the neck of Arjun making him chuckle. She looked at him confused. Before he could speak anything Radhika walked away. Her heart pained. Arjun was all in her thoughts and when he was infront of her, her words failed and she did the best the way she would always do, walk away. 

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