Chapter 9

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Radhika's eyes widened when she saw her intruder. The one she rejected but never wanted a no as an answer from her. "Baby what are you doing here ??" he asked her in a calm voice but it felt like a leach crawling on her.

"Who is this Radhika ??" Arjun asked her while she tried to grasp the fact what the hell was happening. "Well i am her boy friend" Ragav declared making Arjun to take a step back. Radhika was out of words of how to respond.

"Boy friend really ?? I did not even say that i was your friend , you were just my brother's friend and all i know was you used to come to my shop. That's it.. " She turned to see Arjun who was looking as cold as an ice watching their faces. He could say Radhika had no feeling for him while he was smitten by her mere presence. Slowly he walked to Ragav who was speaking hell how much she means to him.

"Back off mister , she doesn't love you or even acknowledge you as her friend." he growled. Ragav who was irritated just saw Arjun in anger,"who do you think you are speaking with. I never knew who you are to her. I know her since childhood and i know she has the feeling for me since ages."

Radhika held Arjun's hand and gasped. Arjun couldn't take it any more as the scum is bothering his wife. Holding Radhika's hand tight he walked to Ragav and held his collar. "The woman here is no one to you but the wife of mine. Radhika Arjun Mehra and mother of Ayush Mehra. If i ever see you around her even in her dreams mark my words idiot i won't mind plucking your eyes for even looking at her shadow. I have already done that to a guy who tried to come near her and i won't mind doing it again (he means Saral).

With that he walked with Ayush in his shoulder who was sleeping. Walking out Arjun saw Radhika. His heart was able to trust her but manipulative brain was making all messed up assumption. "So you had a BOY FRIEND after you came here right ??"

Radhika saw him with disbelief. "You are doubting me ?? with him ??" she asked him with teary eyes. "I can't say anything Radhika. It has been five years anything would happen. I would have moved on, you would have moved on." he spoke with just a shrug in his shoulder.

"After everything you don't trust me ??" she asked him with a hurt voice.

"After what you did to me, making me suffer you want me to stay, which sane woman would have done that ?? No wonder your sister manipulated you. " Arjun was beyond rage. "No wonder Saral just wanted you nothing more..." This was a big blow for Radhika.

"I never thought you would stoop so low Mr.Mehra..." she yelled and he walked to her and said " i never thought you would leave me like this."

"But..." before she could complete Arjun took the cab and went back to his cottage.

Radhika couldn't understand anything. She did whatever she wants to do but Arjun was just hurting her. She had enough as she planned to speak with him to make everything sorted, if not walk away for her left over self respect. Arjun finally realised how stupid he was when he left her all alone in the movie hall and he regret every second after he left her.

The main door faintly made a noise indicating Radhika was home. Ayush was sleeping. Her sigh was heard. She kissed his forehead and packed her stuffs. She did not want to make the same mistake she made last time so she decided to speak to Arjun and end this once and for all. Knocking the door few times she found Arjun asking her to get in.

"Sir... i am leaving, this time for good for all as i came to know you would never forgive me nor would trust me and i would no longer make myself feel worthless." with that she was about to walk away. Before she could even move an inch she was been pulled towards Arjun.

Walking Away... ManmarziyanWhere stories live. Discover now