Chapter 7

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Arjun couldn't feel as ashamed as he was now. He knew Radhika was trying hard to mend with them and he would should embrace her was pushing her away. He was scared of not having her and after a round of yelling from Neil Arjun's head was knocked by something called as brain. The faint knock from the front door made him even more frustrating. Huffing in anger he opened the main door and his words were now not helping him. 

There stood his wife who walked away from him now back with her bag. Same way she walked away. 

"Ra...." he was stopped when she held his hand towards him. "let's make it clear. I am not here for you and i know you hate my presence  but let's do this for our son." she said and Arjun fell all over in love with her when she called Ayush our son than his son. 

Before he could speak anything a pair of little feet padded towards her and hugged her tight. 

"Mumma..." the boy called her with his sweet voice making her smile big. Ruffling his soft locks she picked him in her arms totally ignoring Arjun as if he never existed. Arjun wanted to protest. He walked in and something made him forget everything and scoop her in his hand. She made him sit on the kitchen counter and made him something to eat. 

The little boy who was dull from the after noon was now fully energized when he was with his mother. "Radhika..." Arjun called her and when she was about to go Ayush hugged her not letting her move as Ayush was afraid what if Arjun asks his mother to go away like the way he did already. "We need to talk..." Arjun insisted. Ayush nodded his head no and hid his face on her stomach. "Papa no... mamma will be here. Right mamma ??" Ayush asked Radhika. She wrapped her arms around the little boy and kissing on his nose she nodded her head and did not turn her head towards him but she could feel his gaze on her. 

"Ayush say your papa that i am so not leaving you and ask him to drink some water or else his chili nose will turn red." The boy closed his mouth and giggled looking at his father. Arjun felt humiliated but his heart rejoiced to see something he was yearning for last five years. Radhika and Ayush in same house. Giving his son his mother and himself the love he was been begging since he was born. Without much he walked out but chuckled hearing Ayush's rambling for every second and her humming sound. Arjun who was sitting on the couch threw his fist and legs and celebrated his happiness. Someone cleared the throat and it was Radhika and Ayush who was in Radhika's hold. Ayush was looking at Arjun as if he was possessed while Radhika was just blinking. 

For her it was new as this karela khadoos was now enjoying while Ayush felt his father was so stupid. Pressing her lips she placed a coffee on his table and walked towards the room holding Ayush. Arjun is now embarrassed. He slapped his face thinking how stupid he acted but a smile never left his lips. It felt he was now complete and it gave him peace finally as if he was lifted from the burden. 

Even though they slept in different rooms Arjun couldn't help but wish that atleast his life would continue like this of looking at her angelic face even though for sometime atleast he could cherish. 

Morning he spread his arms to find his son but he was no where found. Arjun panicked. Ever since Radhika left him Arjun would always have a panic attack every morning and would convince when he feels the little hands and feet around him but today he could not find his son. Arjun was panicking thinking of the worst that even Ayush has left him. His logical brain was no where found even though he reasoned that Ayush would not leave as he is just a small boy but no he couldn't help but think for the worst. When he walked out he found Radhika and Ayush clinging on each other and sleeping with the mouth wide open. He smiled and pulled his mobile to click this classic moment. He slowly tried to pull Ayush out of Radhika so that she would not hurt herself but Ayush was clinging as if his very being is dependent on Radhika. 

Huffing he slowly scooped Radhika with Ayush and a flash of memory hit him. The way he held her when he scooped her in his hands when he thought he lost her in lonavala or the way he held her when she refused to get back home or the way he held her when she was ready to be his. Smiling at those silly moments of their life he placed her on the bed and when he removed himself from her he kissed her forehead softly and whispered a soft i love you to her which he thought would have spoken five years before. Little did he knew she would hear him. 

Walking out to make breakfast he smiled thinking he has to make for three not for two any more. Once outside Radhika slowly opened her eyes and smiled at what Arjun confessed. She was determined to make him say that infront of her not to her sleeping form. She hugged Ayush but mumbled "I love you too Karela khadoos." 

Day went nothing better with Ayush and Radhika for Arjun. In his eyes both were no different. He would click few pictures knowingly or unknowingly of her. She was never bothered. All she wished they were happy.

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