So guys ehmmm
Well I'm temani
And my life is pretty much a movieLike literally
Okay now
22nd August 2019
He asked me on a date
I was beyond excited to meet him well obviously I would
We planned
Well I planned
But then something came up and I didn't want to break his heart cause well I really liked him....
And so I had to tell my friend and sister to lie to him
Yeah heart break
He called like 10 times I didn't pick cause I couldn't bear hearing his voice
So I put it on silent
I went home and he texted me "don't be sad"
I was so torn and that was the moment I knew I love this guy like really love him
I don't want to break his heart
Guys any suggestions???
Guess What Happened
RastgeleThis is just how I feel...... This book is just my different emotions and I want to share ot with you.... This would be like our personal diary....