chapter 3

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[ reader's pov ]

the following weeks were a bit difficult.

sure, they werent as difficult as living through a villain attack. but...

I mean.

come on. bakugou isn't the chillest person to hang with.

he usually keeps to himself and when he's not, he's with kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad.

luckily for me, I sat near mina in class so she considered me part of the crew. so, by now, I was already acquainted with the group.

mina was the pink alien girl I met on the first day. she's super cheery and is a great friend. she's usually the one who helps me pick out clothing when we hang out on weekends, or helping me up when I trip on literal air. plus, we've had tons of awesome sleepovers and stuff. i'd have to say mina is my closest friend in class.

kaminari comes to a close second. sure, sure. he can be a bit stupid. but that blonde always knows how to put a smile on my face, no matter the situation. while we don't have heart to heart conversations with each other, we really flow well and I feel like we're close.

kirishima comes in third. maybe he'd make it to second, but I think bakugou prefers the idea of him being kirishima's #1 bestie. kirishima can provide both great advice and fun laughs. although, i never would have guessed it from his spiky, red hair that kind of reminds me of a gang leader I saw in a movie once.

then there's sero. he has black, chin length hair. he has this really nice smile too. he's not exactly close to me, since he hangs with the boys mostly. but he's always there to have my back, and i'd do the same for him.

jirou is a nice, but quiet, girl who sometimes joins us. she has short, purple hair, and an edgy style. I think she's really cool, but we don't hang out much.

and well, i'd explain bakugou but he's exactly as he has been the past weeks.

although, I have tried getting closer to him.

I mean, you can't blame a girl for wanting to at least be friends with her soulmate, right?


one day, I walked to the lunchroom with my bento box. I sat down at the table our group usually stayed at, only to find two seats empty.

one seat was jirou's, which we saved for her if she ever wanted to stop by.

the other's was bakugou's.

strange... he's always at lunch before me.

"hey, where's bakugou?" I asked the group.

kirishima gestured towards the door. "said he wanted to eat in the courtyard today."

"why don't we go and sit with him?"

mina interjected, "no can do! he yelled at us all saying, 'if any of you follow me I'll explode ur head.'"

I shrugged, then got up. "well, he said that to you guys. but I wasn't there when he said it, so technically it doesn't apply to me."

I wasn't sure what I was thinking, walking over to bakugou. I could've just sat with my other friends, the bakusquad. they're really cool.

I choose to blame the string. the red color created a path that was just too distracting. I didn't get a chance to focus on my beautiful rice if there was string everywhere.

yeah. that makes sense.

I followed the string path to be led to far back in the courtyard. there, in the shadows, was bakugou.

he glanced at me, then growled.

I sat down across from him, leaning against the tree parallel to his.

"how's it hanging, buddy?" I asked him.

he rolled his eyes. "we aren't 'buddies', dumb***. now leave."

I put a hand over my chest, acting as if i were offended. "oh soulmate, dearest, how could u say such hateful words?"

he then raised his middle finger and held his hand in front of my face.

by now, I was used to bakugou's stupid comebacks. he yells a lot and flips me off a bunch, but it's nothing i can't handle.

besides, if kirishima or kaminari can handle him, who's to say I can't too?

while we sat in silence, I hummed quietly.

after a minute, he glared at me. "knock it off."

I frowned. "why? I didn't do anything wrong?"

"you sound stupid."

"I don't. I practice singing a lot and it can be pretty difficult," I replied. not to flex but I went to theater camp-

he shot another glare in my direction. maybe i had gotten used to him yelling, but his glare was another thing. boy oh boy was it scary..

"the frick u say to me, printer paper? I could sing better than u in my sleep."

I smiled sweetly at him. finally, we're having an actual conversation that doesn't consist of him ignoring me, then walking away.

he almost flinched as I smiled. it's like he had never seen a smile before. pfft. "well. id like to see you try. maybe we could hang out at karaoke some time?"

he mumbled a reply, one that I was unable to hear. soon after, he walked back into the school and out of my line of sight.

so much for a normal conversation, I guess.

"hm. guess I'll have to ask him about his response some other time then."

oh well.

the important news is....

we're making progress!

i don't have my hopes up on us actually dating, but I do hope to become his friend.

it's the least we could do with this unbreakable string of ours

~ ~ ~

a/n: im tired (it was 4am when I wrote this)

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