chapter 6

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[ reader's pov ]

ever since our string broke and bakugou somewhat apologized, we haven't spoken.

he occasionally sits with our crew during lunch, sure, but most of the time I can't seem to find him anywhere.

and even when he does choose to sit with us, he's caught up in his own trance, completely blocking all of us out.

I know he tried to apologize.

and he told me to stop blaming myself.

but I still felt at fault here. maybe, just maybe, I wasn't completely to blame for the string breaking...

but maybe? maybe it was my fault he was distancing himself.

which is why I eventually stopped sitting with the bakusquad.

I decided to give bakugou some well needed space, even if it meant leaving my best friends.

besides, I didn't plan on leaving for long.

instead, I sat with midoriya, ochaco, and iida. they were on the opposite side of the spectrum against the bakusquad.

the dekusquad consisted of well behaved kids.

although I had talked to them all every once and a while, I wasn't exactly close with any of them.

nonetheless, I was accepted into their small group.

"hey, guys," I said, causing them all to turn to me. "mind if I sit with you guys for a few days?"

"no problem, (l/n)!" midoriya said with a warm smile. the boy radiated happy energy, his freckles seemingly glowing, and his green fluff ball of hair bouncing.

"thanks," I said, taking a seat next to iida. "but you can call me (y/n)."

ochaco, the short haired brunette, smiled. "no problem!"

iida turned to me and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "if you don't mind me asking, why is it that you chose to sit with us? don't you usually sit with bakugou and his friends?"

I nodded. "yes, but I thought bakugou might need some space." I then turned in his direction, looking sadly at the torn string connecting the two of us across the cafeteria.

"I get that," midoriya replies. "kacchan isn't the friendliest, so i'm not surprised. still, i've seen you both talk a lot, so I assumed you were both relatively close."

that was all I could hear before midoriya drowned himself in his own mumbling.

ochaco giggled. "don't mind him. i'm happy to have you here!"

I smiled in return.

for the rest of lunch, we talked about simple stuff. but I couldn't find myself too invested when the bright red string seemed to be calling my name.



I tilted my head as I looked at my overexcited pink friend.

"what is it?"

her smile only widened. "we should have a sleepover! you haven't been sitting with me at lunch and it feels like we haven't talked in forever!!"

"i- you sit right in front of me in homeroom-"

"yeAH but that's not the point!" she interrupted. "anyways, I'll come over to your dorm later. byeee."

the girl then ran off to who knows where.

well ok.


I got out of bed as I heard a knock on my door. once I opened the door, I was met with the pink alien girly and purple haired earbuds kid.

"mina! jirou!" I called with a smile. "nice to see you in mY dorm room, lowkey uninvited!"

"no problem," jirou replied teasingly.

I stepped out of the way to allow the two girls in. they quickly made themselves at home, mina collapsing onto my bean bag chair and jirou taking a seat on my office chair.

"so how's my bestie doing?" mina asked excitedly.

I shrugged. "fine I guess."

"that's wonderful!"

jirou tapped on my shoulder. I bent down so I could hear her whisper, "apparently she has some news to tell us but she's too humble to outright say it."

I laughed. "well ok." I then turned my attention to mina, who was shaking in my bean bag. "how's your life, mina?"

she then quickly jumped up. "i'm so glad you asked!"

jirou and I laughed.

mina began pacing around the room, as if ready to give us a lecture. "you know that red string legend yada yada yada?"


"so maybe,,, I have one!" she pointed to her pinkie finger. obviously, neither jirou or myself saw anything but pink flesh.

"that's awesome!" I said, giving her a hug. when we separated, mina was all smiles.

"who is it?" jirou asked from behind me.

mina's face turned a slightly darker shade of pink. "a certain froggy in our class..."

I raised an eyebrow. "but wouldn't you have gotten the string when you first made eye contact?"

mina chuckled awkwardly. "about that. i've known since school started. i've just been keeping it a secret." both mine and jirou's eyes widened. "yeah, sorry about that guys. but I couldn't keep it a secret for any longer."

"hey it's ok, i'm glad you told us," jirou said calmly. her eyes were soft and calm, as usual.

mina's eyes truly lit up now. "oh great! it's just.. I felt so bad keeping it a secret from you guys! I was feeling guilty."

well shoot.

I laughed nervously, causing the two to send me concerned looks.

"(y/n)? what's wrong?" mina asked, her smile turning into a worried frown.

"about that... I... also have a red string," I admitted. the two girls looked at me in shock.

after a second, mina ran up to me and embraced me, just as I had done to her only a few minutes prior.

jirou walked over to me and punched my arm jokingly. "what's up with you guys hiding your red strings from me? I feel betrayed."

mina jumped for joy. "who is it? who is it?"

I winced. "er. that's not important."

jirou arched an eyebrow. "what do you mean? you don't care about your string?" mina asked, a worried yet playful tone in her voice.

"well, of course! i've always wanted a red string and, trust me when I say, I was ecstatic to find out I found one! I never thought i'd get one and I spent all of my middle school years wondering what having a soulmate would be like." I took in a deep breath. "but i'm not sure my soulmate is really up for it. and I respect his wishes. besides, I can't force myself on him. so if all I can do is befriend him, then so be it."

it was then that I heard a deep voice from outside my door. "that's... *sniffle* so manly..."

"would you shut the f**k up sh**y hair??" I heard another deep voice shout.

my breath stopped and my eyes widened. mina and jirou exchanged looks of confusion.

bakugou and kirishima heard me.

more importantly,

bakugou heard me.

i'm done for.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~

a/n: oo. when she went "😵" i felt that

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