chapter 10

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[ reader's pov ]

after that time he shared his pocky at lunch, bakugou and me became closer. i'd even argue that he's one of my best friends, although I doubt he'd want to admit it.

we walked home a lot together and sat with each other at lunch everyday.

so it was only normal for the bakusquad to be surprised to see us at lunch. I had convinced bakugou to sit in the cafeteria with us, since we hadn't sat with them in forever.

"who are they? i don't think i've ever seen them before!" sero joked.

mina laughed along, then looked at me. "well hey, stranger."

"hey guys, sorry we've left y'all for so long," I said, taking a seat next to mina. bakugou took a seat next to kirishima with his signature scowl.

kaminari nudged bakugou's arm, causing him to glare at him. "so baku, I didn't know you and (y/n) were a thing!" kaminari teased.

bakugou was about to pounce on kaminari, before kirishima held him back.

"f**kin' extra, what the f**k is that supposed to mean?" bakugou shouted. kaminari laughed nervously.

mina put her hand out. "shut up, kaminari," she interjected. "bakugou, what he's trying to say is that you guys just spend an awful lot of time together, you know?"

i argued back, "well, that doesn't mean anything..."

mina giggled, then slung an arm around me. "oh come on, you gotta admit it's a bit suspicious!"

"no it's not, raccoon eyes!" bakugou shouted, just a little too quickly.

kirishima snickered. "bakubro, are you blushing?"

bakugou stood up. "hell no, sh***y hair! shut the f**k up!"

"aw, is our little bakugou developing a crush?" sero cooed.

kaminari sighed. "young love truly is beautiful."

bakugou's face was redder than his eyes, and his volume started to increase. "I said shut the f**k up! i'd never love printer paper, and I especially wouldn't be her dam friend. so get off my cause f**king sh**heads."

bakugou stomped off into the hallway, leaving us all speechless. the boys exchanged worries glances, knowing they'd gone too far. mina turned to me to ask if I was ok, but stopped herself.

she hesitated before trying to speak again. "(y/n)? are you crying?"

I touched my cheek, feeling hot tears streaming down my face.

that f**king b*****d.

I ran off in his direction, leaving the squad and cafeteria in utter confusion.

I had to turn a couple of corners, him having walked a distance away from the cafeteria by then.

"bakugou!" i screamed.

he whirled around to face me with a glare. it sent chills down my spine.

when his eyes met mine, they widened, surprised to see my tears probably. however, his surprise was quickly masked by anger.

"the f**k do you want-"

"no." I raised a hand in front of his face, silencing him.

I looked at the string, tied around my pinkie finger. I inhaled sharply before continuing.

"bakugou, what the f**k is wrong with you?" my voice was cold and harsh, feeling unfamiliar as it escaped my mouth.


I groaned, running a hand through my brown hair. "just as I thought, 'maybe we're finally getting somewhere and can become friends!' but i was wrong. wasn't i?"

I didn't wait for a response, nor did he seem to have one.

my tone became less aggressive. "you know I don't expect a romantic relationship out of you, but I at least want us to be on good terms."

his arms were crossed as he stood stiffly. he looked deep in thought, angry, and sad all at once.

I sighed. "but I guess that was too much to ask for. see you later, dude."

I turned around and started to walk off. for a good second, the hallway was entirely silent except for the sound of my footsteps.

until suddenly, I heard a voice. it was as quiet as could be and shaky. I almost didn't recognize him.

two words. two words had the power to make me freeze.

"i'm sorry."

~ • ~ • ~ • ~

a/n : maybe I should be asleep cuz this headache is terrible but,,, I rlly wanted to write another chapter lmao

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