Tiredness is overwhelming you.
Still you see the suspicious looks.
They make you nervous,
itching to break free,
to break away, out of this place.
A look out of the window,
the huge buildings seem to move.
Shadow in the corner of your eye.
You quickly turn to look-
Did anyone see?
Are they suspicious?
Smoke is rising on the sky.
Lean back and close your eyes.
The bus is moving slow,
slowing down even more.
The darkness is slowly vanishing.
Street lights are tricking you,
huge storage houses,
trucks all around.
Large and thin metal constructions
towering up into the sky
and you almost think
you can glimpse faint faces
frowning from the sky,
luring you near the construction sites,
smiling from the river,
screaming from the streets,
voices screeching in your head,
people around you
sitting still like puppets.
Do they even breathe?
And you begin to ask yourself
if you're going insane.