Chapter Ten

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When I woke up, I was in Ponyboy's basement. It was peaceful, but when my eyes adjusted, I looked around. No one seemed to be in the basement. I turned on my phone, using the light to see. No one was there. I jumped up, and started for the stairs. I imagined that the group and Bella would be waiting upstairs, sitting at the dinner table, eating breakfast and laughing. But when I saw what was going on upstairs, it was anything but.

Because Jacob and four of his Soc friends were there, including Henry. They were at the door, switchblades glinting in the sunlight. Ponyboy, Johnny, Bella and the rest of the group were all standing there, everyone with a switchblade. Bella had a golden pimp knife, and was holding it menacingly. Her face was unreadable. They all stood there. And then Jacob saw me. He stared at me, and everyone looked toward me. I pulled out a silver switch, one that Johnny had given me last night, and flicked it open. I stepped forward, next to Bella. 

And then 13 switchblades began to fight, wielded by their owners. 

Darry struck first, the butt of his knife striking a Soc's knees. The Soc crumpled, and Darry kicked him in the head. Bella went after Henry, her knife leaving a long gash on his forehead. He would have that gash forever. If he lived that long.

I went after Jacob while the rest of the gang attacked the other Socs. Those two, and the one that Darry kicked ran down the street. No one ran after them. Jacob ran after them, shouting curses at us. We all turned to Henry and Bella, but we were too late.

Because Henry was laying down, unconcious, in a pool of blood. But not all of it was his. Because Bella had fallen too. 

And there were small gashes on her arms, legs, and face. But one streched up from her cheek to her eye. 

She would have that forever, too.

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