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"I created the sound of madness...wrote the book on pain...somehow I'm still here to explain,"Annabelle sang to herself, moving to push the print button on her computer screen. She winced as she stretched her arm a little too far again, her wound being tugged on. She slowly drew her arm back to her chest. Annabelle took a deep breath before continuing into her song she'd been singing. "That the darkest hour never comes in the night...you can sleep with a gun...But when are you gonna wake up and fight...for yourself?" She pushed print with her other finger and then moved, logging her computer off with a sigh. She stood up and picked her purse up, pulling on her coat. She closed her eyes and fluffed her blonde hair out from her jacket. Annabelle moved, grabbing the papers from the printer and quickly stapling them. She turned, walking towards her bosses office. Rina knocked on the door and poked her head in. Her boss looked up from his desk. "I have that copy you wanted...the one of the Dodson case?" He waved her in with two of his fingers, moving some papers around on his desk. She moved and held them out to him with her left hand. He stared, his orange eyes blinking at her in slight surprise. 

Her left hand instead of her right...he thought. He frowned.

"Is your arm alright?"He asked. Annabelle gave him a confused look. He gestured to her right arm with his hand and took the papers from her left hand. She gave him a nervous smile. 

"Um...yeah...yeah, it's alright,"Annabelle lied. She closed her eyes with a smile. "I kind of tripped down the stairs at my apartment. It wasn't very fun, but.... I'll be alright." Her boss, James, gave her a narrow-eyed look. Annabelle stiffened and held her hands up in a defensive gesture. "I'm telling the truth!" He frowned hard. James sighed and moved, gesturing to his chair in the room and standing up. Annabelle sighed and took her seat, looking down at her lap. He closed the door and dropped the blinds. 

"Tell me."

At those two simple words, Annabelle became a sobbing mess. She sniffled and covered her mouth, her eyes squeezing shut. James moved, handing her some tissues from the box on his desk. 

"Justin...he's just...he's gotten worse with how he handles me,"Annabelle breathed. She swallowed and looked up. "This morning, I broke it off and he threw me at the wall." She sighed and swallowed, moving and running the tissue up under her eyes to dry her tears up. "Dislocated the shoulder, and he pulled be back up again by the arm." She swallowed and adjusted her seating. "I don't know what to do anymore, James...with Rina gone and Justin abusing me..."

"You could always return home, Annabelle,"James murmured. Annabelle looked up giving him a wide-eyed look. He sighed and leaned against his desk, looking down at her. Annabelle looked down and closed her eyes. "You know Archer will let you come back.... you're still our family, especially since you're his kid." 

"I left the Mafia because I had to... but Father doesn't understand that,"Annabelle sighed. She leaned back in her chair. 

"What I don't get is why you won't just tell him about it. If Archer knew..."

"If dad knew, Justin would be gone from this world." Annabelle closed her eyes. "I've taken on a new persona, you know that ever since I left. I'm not Annabelle Lee Meknikov anymore. I'm Annabelle, Annie, Lee Miller." James' brow furrowed. She looked up at him. "If you and dad understood that, you wouldn't have taken this job." 

"Even if you translate your last name from the family one, that doesn't separate you from who you are. Annie..."

"I'm not going to have people on the inside taking care of my problems when I'm on the outside." Annabelle swallowed and stood up. "I need to go." James sighed and watched her walk past him to the door. Her blonde hair swayed with her as she walked. She moved, her left hand opening the door. "Tell father I wish him well." 

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