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Annabelle followed Rina and the twins back to what Rina had said was the "Mansion". 

"And then I met Vivaldi, and she's pretty nice. Not at all like the Red Queen in the stories, you know?"Rina told her. Annabelle blinked. 

"Huh...so this really is Wonderland?"Annabelle asked her, holding her black backpack straps. 

"Yep. With a Red Queen, and a Cheshire Cat, and of course the Tweedles here,"Rina replied. She smiled and closed her eyes. Annabelle hummed. What about the Mad Hatter? Annabelle wondered. "Oh, we're almost there." Rina pointed ahead of her. Annabelle blinked and looked forward. As they reached the top of the hill they were coming over, Annabelle's eyes went wide. The mansion was huge, with big iron gates. On the top was a hat. Her breath caught in her throat. Impressive, she thought. "I'm sure Elliot will be interested to meet you." 

"Elliot?"Annabelle repeated. Rina giggled, her cheeks reddening. Annabelle blinked at her. She smiled suddenly. "Let me guess, you found your Prince." 

"Prince? That stupid blonde chicky rabbit isn't a prince,"Dee huffed. Dum nodded. 

"You're right, brother." Annabelle snorted. Rabbit, huh? She wondered. Rina shot the two twins an annoyed look. They laughed at her in response. As they neared the big gates, Annabelle spotted a man standing outside talking to someone. She suddenly paused, her eyes wide. The man had orange hair and huge rabbit ears on the top of his head. Annabelle stopped as she watched Rina run over to him. 

"Elliot!"Rina called out happily. That's Elliot?! Annabelle thought. She felt her eye twitch. He has ears. He has...rabbit ears. He doesn't have human ears. Elliot turned and smiled as Rina ran up. Annabelle was frozen stiff. Not only did this Elliot guy have rabbit ears...but the person he was talking to had no face. Seriously, he had no eyes. Annabelle stood still, the Twins having already walked down and joined the two. Rina turned and spotted Annabelle standing there stiffly. "Hm? Come on, Annie. What's the matter?" Annabelle jolted. She walked down the hill cautiously and stopped beside the Twins and Elliot. Her eyes turned to the faceless person standing there. He has no face. Where's his face? She wondered. "Annie, this is Elliot. Elliot, this is Annabelle Lee, my best-friend." Annie turned, looking up at the taller guy. He grinned and held his hand up in a wave. 

"Hey there! So you're the new Outsider, huh?"Elliot asked. Annabelle swallowed. 

"Um....I guess...." Rina coughed once, linking her arm through Annabelle's. Annabelle let out a squeak of pain. Rina blinked and slowly released her. 

"Annie?"Rina asked. Annabelle quickly pulled her still injured arm to her chest. She looked down at it, moving to hold it gently. "What's the matter? Are you hurt? Let me see." Annabelle shook her head. 

"Ah-no! No, I'm okay!"Annabelle lied. Rina frowned at her. Annabelle looked away from her. "I'm alright." Rina sighed hard. She looked up at Elliot. 

"Elliot, I'm going to take her inside...is that alright?"Rina asked. Elliot hummed at her. 

"Yep, sounds okay. Just make sure to be prepared for when Blood comes back. He'll wanna do the tea party tonight,"Elliot told her. Rina nodded and grabbed Annabelle's other arm. She smiled and lead her friend inside the iron gates. 

"Come on. I can show you the rose gardens and stuff later,"Rina told her. Annabelle kept quiet, her arm throbbing in pain. Rina lead her up the path and into the mansion, taking her up the stairs. "Blood has a really nice place, you're used to this environment right?" 

"You mean mansions?"Annabelle asked. Rina huffed once. 

"Well...no,"Rina told her. Annabelle blinked at her. Rina shrugged and sighed. "Come on, let's sit down and talk about it. This can be your guest room while you're here." Rina opened a door and moved to the couch with Annabelle. Annabelle slowly and gently took off her bag, careful around her still injured arm. Rina watched her like a hawk, her blue eyes hard and cold. After Annabelle sat down on the couch, Rina took her seat too, having closed the door with her telekinesis. Rina grabbed Annabelle's injured arm. Annabelle winced. 

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