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Annabelle rolled her eyes as Gray used her fire to light his cigarette. 

"Seriously?"Annabelle muttered. Gray shrugged. 

"You said you needed to exercise it, and I needed a cigarette,"Gray replied. He moved, taking a drag from it. He slowly puffed it out after a minute. 

"Yeah, but I don't like contributing to that habit you have,"Annabelle huffed at him. She sighed and held her fire over the edge of the balcony. Annabelle turned her hand upside down, her flames switching to blow up over her hand. Gray watched. Annabelle shifted the blue-flames into flames of a bright purple color. He gestured with his hand at her flames. 

"Your ability...." Annabelle glanced at him. She shrugged. 

"It's called fox-fire. I don't know much about it, I've had it ever since I was born. I can control flames, and they're just controlled with my hands,"she replied. She closed her hand and the fire went out. She turned and moved, raising up the back of her shirt. "This birthmark is what my dad thinks gives me the ability." On the small of her back was a tattoo of a fox head. "I got it outlined when I was eighteen." Gray stared at the tattoo quietly. After a moment, she dropped her jacket and shirt. She sighed. "I do wish I could extend my flames throughout my whole body, though. It would be nice."

"Lord Nightmare tells me you're from an interesting family background,"Gray commented. Annabelle frowned hard. She moved, lighting both her hands on fire. This time it was orange. Gray watched it with interest, sucking on the end of his cigarette. "A life in the Mafia." Annabelle didn't answer him. Her fire slowly turned blue again. "You know, you don't seem like you fit into that kind of environment." Annabelle looked up at him in surprise. He wasn't looking at her this time; instead, his eyes were turned out over the balcony to the sky that had shifted to night after she'd arrived. The stars glittered at him. Annabelle sighed. 

"Believe me, Gray. I fit into that environment all too well....and I hate it,"Annabelle muttered. Gray glanced over at her in surprise. She sighed and closed her eyes. "Maybe...when I was in that world....I didn't think I belonged in the mafia. But...after a while of having left the Meknikov family...I began to realize where I didn't belong was the society, with everyone else. Even if I was trained in my Fathers ways...From the life I've lived, it's a wonder my smile isn't extinct." Annabelle trailed off. She looked down. Her flames changed to a shocking, deep dark blue color. Gray's eyes widened. They match her emotions...he realized. Annabelle's eyebrows pinched together. 

"Annabelle,"Gray murmured. She looked up at him. "You belong where you want to belong." Her eyes went wide. "It doesn't matter if you were born a Meknikov, a Miller, or whatever your last name changes to over time. It doesn't matter how your father raised you, or how you changed yourself upon leaving the family. You belong where you want to in the end." Gray turned to look at her, giving her a soft look. He smiled at her. "I learned that from my own life." Annabelle stared up at him in confusion. He hummed once. "Personally, I don't know what else happened aside you being a Meknikov, as Lord Nightmare wouldn't tell me any more. He said it was up to you to tell me what you wanted me to know, or didn't want me to know. I won't ask him again for that reason, but you know, as I said before. I don't think you yourself are someone who need to hold a gun in her hands, and play cards with a bunch of dangerous, rich, influential people. To me, you're a warm individual who came to this world to figure herself out." Silence hung over them after he said those words. 

Annabelle didn't know what to say to him. She didn't know what to think, even. She was just stunned silent all through. After a moment, Gray put his cigarette out. 

"I'll be going to find Lord Nightmare now,"Gray told her. His eyes locked on her flames that had shifted to a soft pink color. He blinked. I wonder what pink means. Gray smiled at her and turned, heading back inside from the balcony. As she stood still on the balcony, she heard a hum of amusement. Annabelle blinked and looked up. She let out a shocked noise as she saw Nightmare hanging upside down in front of her. 

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