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Annabelle sighed as she walked with Vivaldi towards the entrance to the Hatter mansion. It was about to time change, close to dark. Annabelle stuffed her hands in her jacket. Vivaldi had refused to let her carry her backpack with her because it would "throw off the look". She still made a fuss about Annabelle wearing her jacket, but Annabelle managed to convince her she needed it on. Vivaldi paused, glancing back at Annabelle as they walked along the path. 

"Are you alright?"Vivaldi asked. Annabelle looked up, blinking. "You seem tired." Because you kept me up all night trying dress after dress! Annabelle thought. She closed her eyes. And my fox-fire needs to be used...I haven't used it in so long it's screaming at me inside. She felt warmth in her stomach at the thought of her fire ability. 

"I'm fine,"Annabelle lied. She crossed her arms. "I'm not tired." Annabelle's arm throbbed a little. She gave Vivaldi a nervous smile. Don't see through my lie! Annabelle hoped. Vivaldi stared at her for a moment before smiling widely. Thank god, she didn't see through it... Annabelle breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. 

"Right then! Come along,"Vivaldi told her, quickly pulling Annabelle's injured arm to loop through hers. Annabelle stifled a grimace and a cry of pain. Ow! Let go! She wanted to scream. She shoved it down inside of her, capping the metaphorical bottle she kept her emotions in. She allowed Vivaldi to lead her on, though she knew her face would probably be pale with pain now. 

"Vivaldi...are you sure this dress is okay?"Annabelle asked. Vivaldi hummed as they started down the hill where Blood's gates were open wide. The twins were nowhere in sight. 

"That dress is perfect. However, we are curious. You said you get cold easy, but are you really? You have not shivered once,"Vivaldi asked. Annabelle glanced at her. She sighed. "When we arrive inside it should be warm. Please make sure and remove the jacket then." Annabelle's blood ran cold. Annabelle didn't answer as they entered the gates. They headed towards the mansion. Maybe I can make up some sort of lie for the bruises? I fell down stairs or something? Annabelle thought. She frowned hard as they started up the entrance steps. But that wouldn't explain the hand marks... As they entered, they were met by a faceless servant at the entrance. Vivaldi had told her it would just be the Hatter family's servants as well as the role-holders here, so Annabelle was expecting it. Though, the fact that there were people who lacked faces in this world just sent shivers up and down her spine. 

The faceless man held his hand out towards the two women. Annabelle blinked.  

"May I take your coats?"He offered. Vivaldi moved and pulled off her coat, passing it to him. 

"Be gentle with it! That is our favorite one,"Vivaldi ordered. He dipped his head. The two turned to face Annabelle. Come on, Annabelle. A lie...a good one! Come on! Annabelle thought at herself desperately. "Annabelle? Your jacket, remember?" Annabelle slowly went to unzip it. 

"Ahhh! Annie!"A familiar voice rang out. Annabelle turned to see Rina coming down the stairs. Saved by the Rina! Annabelle thought. She mentally sighed. "You're here...you can let her keep her jacket, please, she's very cold natured." The faceless man bowed and turned away, walking off to put Vivaldi's coat up. 

"Rina, always a pleasure to see you,"Vivaldi gushed. "My, that is a lovely dress." Annabelle felt relief rush through her body. Rina moved down the stairs, picking the skirt of her dress up gently. 

"Yes, it was a gift from Elliot,"Rina told her, smiling and closing her eyes. She walked over to Annabelle. "Annabelle, have you had fun in Vivaldi's castle?" Annabelle nodded quickly, though the look of terror at remembering trying on dress after dress passed through her eyes. Rina let out a little giggle, knowing exactly what Vivaldi had put her through. She moved and linked arms with Annabelle's uninjured one, figuring her injury was probably still there. Annabelle wanted to hug Rina happily, thanking her time and time again for her quick thinking. "Come along. I'm sure Blood and the others are waiting for us in the billiard room." Vivaldi headed off first, walking towards the room. Her heels clicked loudly on the tile floor. Annabelle let out a relieved huff as Vivaldi went into the room and was gone. "You didn't tell her about your injuries?" 

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