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Annabelle walked into the room where Nightmare and Gray were waiting. She moved, messing with the necklace that Gray had gotten for her. 

"Hey, Gray, could you help me with this?"She asked. Gray turned. He stiffened. His breath caught in his throat. Annabelle turned around, sweeping her hand to the side. Gray moved, taking the clasp of the necklace. He moved, brushing her hair from her neck some more so the necklace didn't get caught in it. Nightmare frowned as he noticed Gray taking his time clasping it on her. Gray stared at the back of her neck, feeling a strange sensation run through him. When he dropped it on her neck, she turned and fluffed her hair out. She smiled up at him. "How do I look?" Gray froze in place. Answer her...he thought at himself. Gray stared at her. As he went to open his mouth, he closed it again. Nightmare coughed once. 

"You look great, Annabelle,"Nightmare told her. He smiled at her. "I would almost say like you are going to a mafia party." Annabelle shot him a look. She snorted and looked down at herself. 

"Well. In the rich community, I did attend many parties,"Annabelle replied. She smiled and looked up, putting her hand on her chest. "I suppose this is more normal attire for a girl like me, isn't it?" Nightmare's eyes went wide. He suddenly laughed. He closed his eyes. 

"I suppose it is. Come along, we must be leaving,"Nightmare replied. He turned and walked over to the door. He opened it, revealing a dirt path surrounded by mazes. Annabelle blinked. "This is our entrance. Ladies first." 

"Is this the maze of the Castle?"Annabelle asked as she stepped through, looking around. Gray and Nightmare followed her out. 


"Interesting,"Annabelle hummed. Gray moved, taking her hand. Just for now, he thought. Just let me be with her for now...then Blood can take her from me. Annabelle allowed him to tuck her hand around his arm, leading her forward. "You know your way through?" Gray hummed once. 

"Yes, I've been here many times before. Both on business for Lord Nightmare and for the parties,"Gray told her. Annabelle hummed and stayed quiet as he lead her out of the maze, Nightmare following behind them. They made their way to the end, coming out at the steps to enter the ball. People were flooding in, lots of faceless people. At the doors stood two guards, holding their weapons. Gray leaned down. "For show. The ball and the parties and assemblies we have as requirements for the role-holders are times of neutrality. Strictly enforced." Annabelle hummed. 

"If it's strictly enforced is it really neutrality?"Annabelle replied. Gray snorted as he walked with her up the steps. The two guards dipped their heads towards them. As they entered the ballroom, Annabelle found it surprising that she heard music from her world playing. Is this Rina's playlist? Annabelle wondered. She kept her curiosity silent as she spotted Rina standing to the side, chatting with Rina. Gray slowly moved, taking her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. Annabelle's eyes went wide. This is different...she thought, looking at Gray. Nightmare gave the two a knowing look as Gray released her and gestured to Rina. Rina noticed Annabelle and waved her over. Annabelle sent one more look of curiosity towards Gray, before reluctantly turning and walking herself over to Rina. "Hey!" Rina gazed at her happily. 

"Wow, wow, look at you,"Rina exclaimed. She closed her eyes and beamed. "You look like a princess." Annabelle blushed and shook her head at her friend, grinning back at her. 

"Come on, you're lying."

"We agree with Rina! A princess indeed. Would you like one of our tiaras?"Vivaldi joined in on her teasing. Annabelle giggled a little, shaking her head. She smiled and looked down at herself. "You do indeed look incredible. Was that the pick of the Dream Demon?" Annabelle blinked and looked up. 

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