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Annabelle let out cry after cry of pain. Justin huffed and wiped the sweat off his face. 

"Damn. When will they get here?"Justin asked. He stared down at Annabelle's nearly torn back. He'd been whipping her hard, though not hard enough to cut the skin. He wanted her to suffer. "This is getting boring. Had enough yet? Ready to cry "Uncle"?" Annabelle panted hard, looking up. Justin walked around where she was tied with either hand up at her sides. He frowned at the smile on her lips. She was bleeding and bruised, looking absolutely beaten. Her hair was hanging down in ugly strands, soaked with sweat and small amounts of blood. He glared at her and crouched down. "What the hell are you smiling for?"

"When..."Annabelle breathed. She looked up at him, grimacing. "When have I ever....cried uncle...for you?" Justin glared at her hard, grinding his teeth. That was it. He snapped, rearing his fist back and punching her in the face. Annabelle let out a yelp. Justin stomped back to her back again. 

"I've been going easy on you, but now..."Justin breathed. He rose the whip up. "I've lost my patience!" He swung down, the whip slapping harder than it had been before against her skin. Annabelle cried out. He still hadn't drawn blood, but the pain was so intense she didn't know if she could take it. He whipped her again and again. She cried ugly tears, weeping at the pain. As he rose the whip and let it down once more, she finally cried a name out. 

"Blood!"Annabelle screeched in pain. Justin paused, the whip in his hand. 

"Pardon?" Annabelle breathed hard, surprised at herself. The name that had broken free was one she didn't expect. She felt her heart throb at herself. God, I'm so weak...I need him... Heavy tears rolled down her cheeks as her body stung with pain. "What was that name you just said?" Annabelle didn't move in her position, fearing her back would start to bleed if she even dared to move. Annabelle opened her eyes, looking to see Justin's face in front of hers. "Who did you call for?" He moved, the handle of the whip tilting her head up. "Blood. As in, Blood Dupre?" Annabelle gave him a weak look. "Ohohoh...I see...you bedded the Mad Hatter. How smart of you coming to this world...you work fast, don't you?" Justin snickered. "Well. If that's the case...let's have a little fun with you, why don't we?"


Blood stood still. His two faceless mafia members moved towards him, throwing down two other faceless and forcing them to their knees in front of him. 

"These two work for Vermont,"One of his men said to him. Blood glared dangerously at the two in front of him. They shuddered in fear, cringing. 

"Where is he?"Blood asked. Neither of them answered, both shuddering in fear as they were forced to look at him. Blood narrowed his eyes. They jolted, flinching back. "I see. Well. Only one of you should be alive to tell me where your boss is. Rina." Rina quickly cocked her gun at one of them. Blood held his hand up to stop her when one of them started to talk. 

"The building!"He shouted. Blood stared at him hard. Rina lowered her gun. "The tenth building...Apricot street." Blood frowned hard. "She's there with him...I swear..." Blood stared between the men hard. 

"Fine." Blood gestured at Rina. She clicked her gun and shot one of them. The other shuddered in fear, having just watched his colleague shot. "Take us there." Blood's men forced him to his feet, shoving him forward. 

When they reached the building, and stood still out front of it, Blood could feel it. She was in there. He motioned for Rina and Elliot to break the door down. They did as he commanded, and killed the two men inside there quickly, Rina using her telekinesis to break his neck. Blood made his way through, Rina and Elliot killing off everyone and searching rooms. 

Bulletproof(Blood Dupre x OC)Where stories live. Discover now