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"Fox-fire!" For some reason, her ability didn't work. She knew why. It was because she'd realized that she had feelings for Blood. She was in shock. She struggled and fought, panicked noises escaping her mouth. And this is why father made me carry a gun everywhere! She thought angrily at herself. "Fox-fire! Fox-fire, fox-fire, fox-fire!" 

"What is this bitch screaming about?"

"I dunno, but shut her up or we'll get caught!" 

Annabelle let screams rip through her throat. They slashed at her with knives. 

"Someone help me!" She fought back. 

"Dammit, I said shut her up!" 

They yanked at her hair, and scratched at her. Someone whacked her over the head with something hard and heavy. Gun, Annabelle thought. She struggled and fought, her head throbbing. Her fighting became weak. She felt her dress rip at the leg. Another rip sounded as a knife drew a cut across her stomach, though not deep. Annabelle stopped. The dress! She felt tears sting in her eyes. Gray...someone...Nightmare... Another heavy blow was sent to her head. Her sight went black and she felt herself falling to the ground, strange colors and shapes dancing behind her dark eyelids. Gunfire sounded as she sat still on her hands and knees. She opened her eyes, trying to focus. 

"Shit! It's the Hatters!"

Guns went off quickly. 

"Leave the girl! We'll get her next time!"

"Fucking Mafia role-holder scum."

She heard the men retreating fast, leaving her behind. Annabelle huffed in pain, looking up to see someone walking towards her quickly. Annabelle held her hands up in defense. 

"Annie,"a familiar voice murmured. She saw that it was Blood, even in the dark. He moved, grabbing hold of her. She gripped his suit at his chest. Blood is in the Mafia? "Annabelle." 

"Blood...mafia....."Annabelle murmured quietly. His eyes went wide as hers rolled back in her head. She fell limply in his hands. 



Annabelle heard distant voices in whatever room she was in. 

"Elliot, I left her with you for a reason!"

"I'm sorry, she ran off..." 

"This wouldn't have been a problem if you would've left her to me instead of him, Rina." 

"But I didn't figure she would run from him." 

"Well your little talk you gave me seems to have caused issues now, doesn't it?" An annoyed huff followed his words. 

"Elliot, what happened?"

"I don't know...she just suddenly started acting weird and took off."

Annabelle slowly opened her eyes, blinking lazily up at the ceiling. She saw what looked like a strangely designed room, squares above her. Her eyes turned to the side of where she was laying. She looked around. Her eyes quickly found who she was looking for. In the room with her were three familiar people. Blood, Elliot, and Rina. Annabelle slowly moved, sitting up. 

"Annie!"Rina exclaimed. She hurried over to the side of the couch that Annabelle was laying on. Annabelle looked down at it, her brows pinching together. She looked around the room. Where are we? She wondered. Rina pulled her into her arms, sighing hard. "You're awake..." Annabelle put her hand on Rina's shoulder. She moved, lightly pushing her away. Rina's eyes went wide. 

Bulletproof(Blood Dupre x OC)Where stories live. Discover now