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Blood blinked his eyes open, his hand over his face. He sighed and closed his eyes, rolling back over on his side, with his eyes closed. He rolled over. 

"Mm...Annabelle...you owe me a kiss,"Blood murmured. Silence rang out. Suddenly he paused. Did she fall asleep? He wondered. His eyes opened and turned to the chair she'd been sitting in. Blood shot up, the blanket falling from him. Annabelle was nowhere to be seen in the office. He turned around, looking everywhere. "Annabelle!" Blood suddenly paused, spotting a piece of paper on the chair where she'd sat. He bent down, picking it up and reading it. 


I'm sorry. There's something I must do...I know I told you I would be here when you awoke, but I have to see Theseus. If I don't go and return his favor, or at least speak with him, he will keep coming after me and causing problems for you. Aside from that...I desire the return of my golden thread. If Theseus has his way with me...and I do not return...know that you were my second chance. 


Blood's eyebrows pinched together. What? What does she mean, second chance? And these people...these names...Dionysus...Theseus...Ariadne.... Who are those people? Blood turned his head as the doors burst open. He saw a panting Rina. She ran in the room and rose her hand, prepared to slap him. Blood closed his eyes, prepared to let her. Annabelle had gotten away from him after all. He needed punishment for letting her out of his sight. Rina stopped short, spotting the note in his hands. She moved and pulled it from his hands instead, looking at it. Rina's eyes went wide. 

"Do you know what it means?"Blood asked. Rina let out an angry sob, tears of frustration pouring down her cheeks. She covered her mouth. 

"Dammit! That idiot!"Rina hissed. Blood blinked down at her. Rina shook hard, the note crinkling in her hands. 

"Rina...what does she mean?"Blood asked. 

"The guy. The Outsider...he's after her,"Rina muttered. Blood frowned. I already know that... Rina looked up at him. "He's her ex." Blood's eyes went wide. "I take it she told you?" Blood looked down, his eyes wide. The man who hurt her...he's this new Outsider? Rina shoved the note towards him. Blood took it, looking down at it. "This guy...he's not a good guy. He's dangerous as hell. Those scars were only what you could see. He's done much worse to her." Rina ground her teeth. 

"The names...what does she mean?"Blood asked. He looked at Rina hard. Rina frowned. "You know, don't you?" Rina sighed. 

"Annabelle received a high class education, so she knows a lot about everything in our world. Because of that, yeah, I know too,"Rina muttered. She crossed her arms. Rina put her hand on her chin, turning and muttering to herself. "Where did she go? If the guy had to pick one place--"

"Rina I need to know about--"

"--he has a hideout somewhere!"Rina snapped, whirling to face him. She pointed a finger at him and poked him in the chest. "We have to find it before she does! If we can get there, or find her along the way we can stop her from being stupid!" Blood glared at her. 

"Don't yell at me,"He growled. Rina stiffened. 

"Right, sorry,"She sighed. She moved and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm just....Annabelle gave me a new meaning to the word friend, you know?" Rina sighed and turned to look at him. "Let me see the note." Blood passed it back to her. Rina looked it over, her eyes scanning it. "Dionysus...that's a Greek god...and then there's Theseus...a hero? No....this note describes Theseus as if he were the villain....Ariadne...golden thread..." Rina suddenly paused. Her eyes went wide. "Oh...Annie..." She gave a sad look at the paper. 

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