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Annabelle lay in her bed silently, curled up on her left side. She closed her eyes and swallowed, taking a shaky breath. How do I get used to this? Annabelle wondered. She was spooked, sleeping in the mansion here. It was bringing back all sorts of memories of her Meknikov Mafia days. The days she spent taking business lessons, and fighting lessons--which never actually set in, since she sucked at it--, and the ballet lessons and any other lessons her father could spend money on. He had treated her like a caged bird, calling her his "Princess". In truth, if he died, she was to be the next head of the family. 

Annabelle swallowed and rolled over, forgetting about her shoulder. She gasped as pain lanced through it. Annabelle frowned and sat up. She ran her other hand through her hair. Annabelle moved and grabbed her phone from the table, clicking the screen on. Still no service. No wi-fi either. Annabelle's brow furrowed. She was a little glad to be here with her best friend, but something just didn't feel right. She wasn't sure if it was the room, or the world...or because her bed was so cold, for some reason. Annabelle sighed and moved, turning her music on quietly. She lay back down and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the song as it floated from her phone and into the room. 

She opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling, having remembered the face of Blood Dupre, the man who's mansion she was staying the night in. Her eyes softened. What is it about him? She wondered. Annabelle sighed and closed her eyes. I need a vacation. With a black sleek piano, and a private room. No one to disturb me, but Rina is there listening to me play. Annabelle frowned. Something about that doesn't even feel right....isn't that normally what I always imagine as an ideal vacation? Just spending time with my best friend? 

Annabelle lay still, remembering how she and Rina had ever even met. Charles Burgundy was a man that the Meknikov Mafia had been trying to hunt down for years. He'd kidnapped girls and tortured them, the latest at the time having been the younger Rina. Annabelle clasped her fingers over her stomach. She remembered how, when they'd busted into his home, where he was supposed to be located, all that was found was a simple not that said "Catch me if you can". It was his stupid catchphrase he'd used to haunt police, the media, and the Meknikov mafia all the time. Every time they hunted him down, they were too late. He was gone, there was the dead body of his latest victim, and then there was the same note. Annabelle's eyebrows pinched together. Her best friend had been chained to the wall, her hands up by her head and her body thin with lack of nutrition. Annabelle was the one who saved her, willing to get up close. 

She remembered her partner, Chloe Bing, had been too scared to go near the body. Then again, the younger girl had only just come into her wings as a Meknikov family member. She was related to Annabelle distantly, and her father had pushed Chloe onto her. He'd insisted on Annabelle being the one to train Chloe. They'd gone over the case files forty times over, and each time Chloe had seen so much as a picture of a dead body, she'd screamed and been grossed out. There they were, face to face with a tortured Rina, and Chloe was screaming her head off saying "Ew, please don't be dead." How disrespectful, Annabelle had thought.

When Rina had looked up at Annabelle, Annabelle knew that this girl would become her friend and responsibility right away. Rina had no family left, and so the Meknikov's took her in. She was originally the reason Annabelle left the family. It was two years after helping Rina get back on her feet, and then Rina told her something that changed her life. 


"Hey Rinaaaaaaa!"Annabelle called as she walked into their shared apartment. She beamed at her friend, who was in the kitchen working on something. "Oooh, that smells yummy. What is it?" Rina hummed and turned. She paused, spotting the scratch on Annabelle's cheek. 

"Another bullet scraped you?"Rina asked. Annabelle blinked. She touched it and then smiled. 

"Yeah, but I'm fine."

Bulletproof(Blood Dupre x OC)Where stories live. Discover now