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Annabelle's eyes slowly peeled open. She sighed and moved, touching her forehead. She paused when she felt a wet washcloth there. Annabelle slowly sat up, pulling the cloth off her forehead. She looked down and paused. What am I wearing? She wondered, wrinkling her eyebrows. Her eyes slid over to her arm and she found it bandaged. Her heart dropped into her stomach. What's going on? She saw her jacket sleeve had come off of her. She quickly pulled it back up. 

"You're awake,"a voice commented. Annabelle's eyes found Blood sitting in the room on the sofa. He turned and looked at her. She spotted his missing hat and that he had on glasses. Her heart throbbed slightly. Why is he suddenly hotter with glasses on? Her face went warm. Blood moved and shut his book he'd been holding, bookmarking it. He placed it on the coffee table. "Are you feeling better?" He stood up and walked towards her, moving to pull the glasses off of his face. She saw he wasn't wearing his gloves either. No gloves. This must be him in his leisure time... Her eyes returned to his face. He folded the glasses up and tucked them in his suit jacket. Blood moved and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand touching her forehead. 

"Um...what's going on exactly?"Annabelle asked, not moving. His hand was sending warmth through her body, his palm smooth on her forehead. Blood lowered his hand from her face. 

"No fever. Good,"he murmured. Annabelle frowned at him. He hummed once and leaned away. "You passed out." Annabelle blinked. She moved and put her hand on her head. The memory pulled back into her mind. She remembered talking to Blood most of the time before meeting a girl called Arianell...who was pregnant as it had turned out. 

"You mean...at the party..."

"Yes,"Blood replied. He watched her as her brain worked on figuring things out. He smiled at her. "That was a few time changes ago." Annabelle jolted. She looked up. 

"A few time changes ago?!"She exclaimed in surprise. She gaped at him. No way, I've been out that long? Annabelle frowned hard. Blood's eyes traced over her face. She frowns a lot. I wonder why. He stayed quiet.


"How many?"

"Well, I'm not sure exactly-"

"How many?"Annabelle stressed, her voice hard. Blood gave her a surprised look. Her eyes gave him a hard one in return, insisting he tell her the truth. Blood gazed at her silently. "I need to know, Blood." He sighed and gazed at her. 


Annabelle moved, putting her hand on her forehead. 


"Why are you reacting like that?"Blood murmured. Annabelle frowned. She looked up at him and then she sighed, closing her eyes and looking away. "Your ability, right?" Annabelle stiffened. "It needs to be used." 

"Rina told you." 

"Yes,"Blood replied. He moved. "I was quite surprised to hear you had an ability like that. It must come in handy when you need to become an arsonist." Annabelle huffed at him and puffed her cheeks out. I wonder...if Rina told him anything else. I'll have to get onto her if she did, Annabelle thought to herself. He grinned. She looks like a small child, pouting like that. "What's that look for?" 

"She didn't tell you anything else?"

"No,"Blood told her. 

"The truth." 

"That is the truth." Blood frowned. What does Annabelle have that's so secret? She looked away from him, swallowing.

Silence hung over them. Annabelle sighed and moved, pulling the covers off of her legs. She swung them to the side, her eyes narrowing on the lace nightgown she was wearing. She paused when she noticed it was see-through. Annabelle quickly zipped her jacket up over herself and went to stand. Blood watched her as she walked over to her bag that sat on the couch. 

Bulletproof(Blood Dupre x OC)Where stories live. Discover now