Chapter Three

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"You're not going. You can't go! Nash would kill you if he found out!" Jasmine yells at me, as I wiggle into my skinny jeans. I sigh, pulling my t-shirt over my head onto my body.
"Do I have a chance? He made that pretty damn clear, Jasmine!" I yell back. She stays silent, looking up at me. I'm getting ready for my "date" with Cameron, and I made the mistake of telling Jasmine.
"Babe, you have to be safe. Normal boys don't just break into your room and demand you go on a date with them." She says normally. I nod. I didn't tell her about the part of him saying that he would protect me. I have a feeling that will always stay in between me and him.
"I'll be-" Our conversation is interrupted by my doorbell. We glance at each other.
"Well...time to meet your date." She says grimly.
"Okay, let's go now Hayley." Cameron says, glancing a bit nervously at Jasmine. They just got down with a very heated argument over what time we should be home. I honestly wanted to hit them both. For once, I actually agree to leaving with Cameron.
"Okay." I respond simply, walking outside. Cameron jogs behind me, catching up quickly. He slides next to me, matching my pace. We reach his car and he opens my door for me. I blush gently, uttering a small thank you before getting in the car. He closes the door behind me. I close my eyes, taking in the scent of a very good cologne. When I open my eyes, Cameron's getting in the car and starting it.
He sets his hands on the wheel and starts driving. I observe him. He looks like he could be a model. His tan skin is flawless, and his jawline looks like it was shaped out of stone. I look at his hands. They're pale because he's gripping the steering wheel so tight. I also notice that his hands are shaking gently. Is he nervous because of me?
"Are you okay?" I ask softly. He nods, as his tongue starts playing with his lip ring. I turn away from him and face the window. I let out a quiet sigh. I suddenly frown, and turn around and watch a building past by.
" just passed the bowling ally." I say, looking at him quickly. He glances at me.
"I know." He says simply. My breathing quickens, and every part of me is on egde.
"Cameron where are we going?" I ask, my voice shaking. He doesn't respond. I'm on the verge of slapping him.
"Cameron-" He pulls into a rest stop and faces me.
"I'm taking you somewhere fucking secret to surprise you, now can you shut the fuck up!" He snaps, lifting his hand up a bit. I flinch back, closes my eyes, and waiting for the blow. Oh god not again please...
Everything goes silent for why feels like eternity. When I know it's safe to open my eyes I do. He's staring at me, his gaze soft.
"Hayley, I wasn't going to hit you." He says quietly, staring at me with those dark eyes. My breathing quickens. I quickly fumble for the door handle. When it opens I almost fall out, but I catch myself. I stumble onto the cement. I go onto my feet and practically run to the big oak tree. My breathing is heavy.
I put my hands against it's trunk, facing it. I can't catch my breath. Tears came before I could stop them. I almost crumble to my knees. Cameron is next to me within seconds of the start of my mental breakdown.
"Hayley...please talk to me..." He begs, making me look at him. His eyes are concerned, and his eyebrows are gently pressed together. I might as well tell him. I take a deep breath.
"It all started in my freshman year of college..."

okay so hey that was an ugly chapter. but this is the quickest I've ever updated hey.
what do you think is going to happen?
the actress portraying Jasmine is Lilly Collins.
so I recently started listening to Daylight by Five Seconds of Summer... asdfghjkl im in love with it honestly. but yah.
x o x o ,

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