Chapter 15- Last Chapter

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"No, no, no, no, no..." I whisper frantically. I was trapped in a room with no windows, only a bed. I pounded on the walls, screaming for help. But nothing came. I cried out, feeling myself panic. I sunk down the wall, covering my head with my hands.

God they have Hayes. They have poor innocent Hayes. That makes my heart sink all the way down to my feet.

"We'll go out to buy more food. We'll be back soon." I had said about me and Hayes going to the store. It was supposed to be a quick twenty minute outing. I grabbed my coat and walked outside with Hayes.

When we got to the store, we went to the pasta isle. I was looking for a certain pasta brand that I love. "Hayley, they're here." Hayes whispered, tugging on my sleeve. My head snapped in the direction. There they were...the douche bag himself. The guy that probably raped me without me knowing.

Our eyes meet and he smirks. "Shit Hayes, go." I say, quickly walking down the isle. We walk then sprint, trying to make it away. I glance up and there is the guy. I skit to a stop. I pull Hayes behind me, and I feel him grip the back of my coat tightly.

"Don't...please just let us go. We aren't a part of this! Cameron is, we aren't. I didn't even know!" I cry out. I pray someone in the store hears me. He walks closer to me. I feel my heart sink at his next words.

"Oh but baby, you're the reason our best guy left. You've been in it for years just didn't know it."

I cried at the pain. It wasn't a physical pain, no it was more of an emotional pain. The pain where you can't get rid of it by medicine. It's an aching, dull pain. And it sucks.

The door swung open, and I cringed at the bright light filling the room. "LET ME GO! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" A very familiar voice screams. I stand up as they throw the girl in.

"Jasmine?!" I cry out.

"Oh my god, you're alive." She sobs, as she runs to me and hugs me tightly. I start crying hard, holding her tightly. I haven't seen her in over two months, and she thought I was dead. That makes me sob harder as I hugged her tightly.

"What's going on?!" She sobs holding me. I feel tears fall. I can't understand how confused, lost, and scared she is. I was confused and scared as fuck. Now I understand but now fully. I pull back and stare at her.

"Listen, what, what we're involved with is not good shit okay? Apparently Cameron was involved with these people. They're horrible, horrible people. They rape girls, sell drugs, and even kill people. Cameron left this business because of me. So they found out and set up my death... They hired a fake girl who looked exactly like me to "die". Remember the two Jacks?" I asked her. She numbly nodded. "They killed them. I escaped in time. I met these three boys. I stayed in the hiding for a while.

"That's when it all started to fall apart. We found out that they were in town. It was a panicking moment. I was scared. They stayed hidden. Hayes, the youngest boy there, and I went to the store. It was supposed to be a quick twenty minute outing." I said, my bottom lip shaking. By this part we've moved to the bed. She stared at me, half in shock, half in pity. "I don't know if they killed Hayes or not..." I sob out. She hugs me tightly.

God this all is a terrible night mare that I just want to wake up from. My best friend for dragged into it...

"Where's Nash." I ask suddenly. She can't meet my eyes. "Jasmine, where is Nash." I ask again more urgently.

"They took him...They showed up at our house with guns and I-I didn't know what to do. Cameron and Nash walked in-"

"Wait, do they have Cameron? Please tell me they don't." I whisper. She doesn't look at me in the eye. I can't breathe. God, they're going to kill him. Or force him to do stuff. Fuck, this is all my fault.

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