Chapter Five

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A/N Sorry it took so long to update !

[ Hayley's POV ]

After the "date" with Cameron I've been feeling giddy and happy. When Jasmine pounded me with questions I lied on almost every one of them. Nash was worse. He practically flipped when he found out I was with Cameron. It was bad. He was having one of those silent anger tantrums. It was pretty funny, to be honest.

"DAISY! DAISY COME BACK!" I hear a voice yell snapping me out of my thoughts. I slow down to a jog and turn around. I am knocked off my feet and I land hard on my butt. I groan loudly, but I'm interrupted by a chocolate lab licking my face. I laugh, trying to push the dog off me.

Two boys around my age come running up to me. One has brown hair and looks like a Greek sex god, while the other has blonde hair and looks around 15.

"Daisy! Bad girl!" The blonde boy yells, pulling the dog off me. The brunette grab my hand, which I take gratefully, and pulls me up. Once the blonde gets the dog to calm down he looks at me.

"I'm so sorry about that. I guess we should have warned you that she was coming." The blonde apologises slowly. I chuckle, resting my hands on my hips.

"It's fine. I'm Hayley Davis. I go to UMHB." I flash a smile at the boys. The brunette smiles.

"We're students there too. Well were students. I'm Jack." He sticks out his hand for my too shake. I shake it, giggling.

"I'm Jack, but my you can call me tonight." The blonde Jack throws a wink at me. I can feel heat rush to my already flushed cheeks. The brunette Jack throws a glare at the other Jack. I have to find out a different name to call them.

"Is there a last name or something I can call one of y'all?" I say slowly, blushing. The brunette smiles.

"You can call me Gilinksy. Everyone does." He shrugs. I smile. I notice their eyes wander a bit. I flush and look down. I'm wearing my light blue Nike running shoes, spandex's, and a dark blue sports bra. I look up.

"Sorry, I wasn't really planning and talking to anyone." I chuckle nervously. They laugh.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I have two younger sisters so I'm used to it." Gilinsky winks. Jack smirks.

"And Gilinsky's practically my brother, so I'm also used to it." He shrugs. I smile at them. They seem a lot nicer then a lot of the guys at UMHB.

"So why haven't I seen y'all at the school?" I ask, confused. They glance at each other, then look back at me.

"We're singers. We got a record label so we dropped out." Jack says, almost shy. I smile widely. I love it when people do that.

It shows society that we don't have to follow their god damn rules.

"That's amazing, really guys." I smile. They both grin widely. I look down, smiling.

"We should hang out soon." I speak up, looking at them again.

"Oh my gosh, yes! We can, like, totally text each other." Jack says, trying to sound like a white girl. I laugh hard, clutching my stomach. I hear Gilinsky's laugh also. When we all calm down we exchange numbers. They walk off with their dog and I start on my jogging again.

I look at myself in the mirror, and I see that my knuckles are clutching the counter tightly. Everything is a hazy black around my reflection. I look down at the rusty sink. I look back up and my face is half skull. My eyes are black and suddenly I'm falling. I scream, but nothing but black birds come out of my throat. I try and claw for something do hold onto, but there is nothing.

When I hit the ground, my body almost melts and suddenly I'm in chains. I cry, trying to escape. I look up at see Jacob. I try and scramble backwards, but the chains weigh me down. My mouth is dry, and my stomach is empty. My limbs feel weak. I feel my mouth moving to beg Jacob to help me, but I can't hear anything. He gently tries my jawline with his index finger.

"Such a pretty soul. Your pretty as an innocent bird. But now your trapped. You can no longer be the free, flying bird you once were. I'll cut off your wings. I'll destroy them. Such a pretty girl...such an innocent girl..." He murmurs, his voice coming from all around me. I scream, clutching my ears. Black crows peck at me, flying around me in a hurry. Tears fall down my pale face... This isn't real...

I wake up, sitting up quickly in a cold sweat, my body shaking, and tears running down my cheeks. My chest rises and falls heavily. It was just a dream. He's not going to hurt me.... He can't hurt me ever again. I close my eyes, sinking back into a restless sleep.

You can no longer be the free, flying bird you once were. I'll cut off your wings. I'll destroy them...

Author's Note:
so um that was kinda creepy um. idk how i even thought of that dream lol.



so thanks so much asdfghjkl .

ily guys .

- Juliane

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