Part Six

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Steve went to Fury the next day while Mary was in the museum again, showing people the tour.

He came to Furys office with Tony who had a tablet with all the info they've found yesterday.

"Who is this? Is she an agent?". Steve asked as Tony showed it.

"Cause we found her knife at the mission. She three it at the enemy to protect Rogers" Tony says as Steve showed him the knife.

Fury took the knife and sighed. "These kinds of knives got only people who were close to Howard" Tony stared at him.

"I knew she seemed familiar to me! Now I get it! I've met her before" Tony slaps his forehead.

"She was Peggy's best friends, they were like sisters. Hill, bring the file from the safe" Fury called her over his earpiece.

"Peggy told me, she found a way she'd know you'll be safe, if you ever survive, and she died, so she did. She left an mission for Mary to look out for you"

Steve was left speechless and Tony patted his shoulder.

"Who said the guy my dad talked about more than himself needed protection" he says and Steve gently chuckled.

"If you ever get her, tell her she's welcome at S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury says and the two left.

"She really took care of you. I wish I had one of my own" Tony says and Steve gently smiles.

Few hours after,  Mary came home. She changed in her usual clothes, when she looked out the window.

Manhattan was one of the cities she loved on this world besides pure forests and nature.

She loved hearing sounds of cars and birds chirping in the morning, even ambulance and police sirens rushing through ans kids yelling at their parents at the park.

She went to her roof and looked over the road, seeing the now familiar building everybody adored in Manhattan. The Stark Tower.

She sat down on the edge, her legs swinging down, when she heard a sound making her eyes widen.

She looked behind her and saw the man in red and gold. She stood up and he came closer, tying his hands around her. Her eyes widened before he flew up in the air and flew to the Tower.

He put her down on the balcony and leac her inside. That's where she saw Tony standing there making her look up at the suit behind her.

Tony pressed a button for the suit to fly to his lab. She looked at him and gently smiled.

"Tony" he came closer.

"All those damn years ans you didn't say a word. Why didn't you say anything? Leave me without a goodby-" she pulled him in a hug, making him smile and hug her back.

She let him go and cupped his cheeks "Look at you, a genious. Exactly like Howard. And you got Maria's genes. I see it" she smiles and he gently blushes before she puts a kiss on his cheek.

"C'mon. Steve wants to see you" he took her hand and lead her to the living room. She blushed a bit.

They come in and Steve turned around, making him freeze.

"Hello Steven" he blinked a few times, before he took in a deep breath. He took steps towards her.

"Mary. I though you wer-" he stopped himself and pulled her in a hug. She smiled and tied her hands around his neck as he tied his fingers in her hair.

"It's alright Steve. I'm here and I'll help you, just like Peggy told me to" his eyes watered as he hugged her tighter.

"Awww is Cap having a first mental breakdown in the tower?" Tony smirks and Natasha gave him a look.

She let go of Steve and smiled making him smile back before she wiped a stray feat away.

"I'm sorry to interupt but who is this lady?" Thor walked in the room.

She smiled and let go of Steve "My name is Mary Gray, it's nice to meet you, the almighty Thor" she bowed making them chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Lady Gray" he takes her hand and puts a kiss on it. Steve gave him a look and looked at her.

"Let me show you your room" Natasha smiles.

"Nice to meet you Miss Romanoff" she smiles and follows her, Steve's eyes on her. She was the inkx thing left from his old point of view, even if he saw her once in his entire life.

Madam Gray (Steve Rogers) MARVEL FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now