Part Twelve

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- Month later -

Sharon had been in the tower a lot, hanging out with Steve.

They've all noticed Steve's behavior changed and what mostly annoyed them was Sharon being mean to them. All the goddamn time.

Here's an example.

Sharon and Steve were watching something on the TV in the lounge, her laying in his arms.

"Hey guys, what are you watching?" Mary asked coming in the room with Clint. She tried to be nice to her.

"Can't you predict that with your, so called, superpowers? To me you're just a typical bloodsucker"

Mary rose her hands up and Clint gave her a look "Geez Louise" he murmurs as Steve blinked a few times, he zoned out watching the movie.

"I just asked what you're watching, I didn't mean to offend" Mary replies calmly.

"And I replied. I didn't mean to offend" she mocked Mary and she grabbed a cup, filled it with hot water, put tea and honey in it then left, giving Clint a sad look.

He furrowed his brows at the blonde woman. He grew to be her best friend since she parted away from Steve. He was like a brother to her.

She went to Peggy every week, and she noticed him being so occupied by Sharon, that he didn't visit her.

That's when he crossed the line. That's when Mary decided to take it in her hands.

"That's it. I won't let her ruin his soul" she said looking at the five Avengers, Steve was still having lunch with Sharon.

"Are you sure? He might wanna fight you" Nat asked sadly.

"I don't care if he fights me. I will make him be who he is, not a swearig drunk patriot she's making him. I'll make him a clean, sober gentleman again" she slammed her fist on the table and got up.

Tony chuckled at her choice of words "Good luck! We'll help you if you need it but I think you'll convince him" Clint smiles and she smiled back, before going to her room.

She cleaned her room a bit when she saw Steve come out of the elevator.

She went to him and he gently smiles "Hey Mary" he says, not so happily like he used to.

"Hey Steve, can we talk? Privately?" She saw Bruce pass by who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sure. Let's go to my room" he says and she nods, taking in a deep breath before she followed him in.

His room was a mess too. The bed was messy, clothes everywhere, the bed even cracked a bit....

"What do you wanna talk about? Don't make it long though, I have to get ready for the date"

Steve would never talk like that and she knew it. She furrowed her brows and locked his doors making him look at her confused.

"You're not going anywhere" he furrowed his brows and her eyes turned to yellow. She's never seen him angry.

"What are you doing Mary?"

"Steve, she's no good for you"

"And who are you to say? I love her" he says louder.

"I take care of you for Peggy and cause I'm your friend. And as your friend I see what she's doing to you, we all see" she raised her voice too, her brows furrowed.

"She would never hurt me. I became better cause of her, not worse" she looked at him as he growled, grabbing a picture frame of Peggy and throwing it at the wall making her eyes widen.

"Steve calm down! She's using you and it's visible! She's changing the real you just cause she likes you like that. She likes you cause of your body" she adds louder than him as rage takes over him.

"We are your friends! We care about you and we see it. I care" she adds, her heart breaking to see him like this.

"Then be a friend and don't put your nose where it isnt supoosed to be. Dont get in my business, get away from my life! I never asked you to be here!" Her eyes turned red as she broke the door handle in a swift move then threw it out the window.

The five Avengers were listening what happened in the hall and sighed when they saw her rush out and go across his room to hers.

She grabbed her bag which was under the bed and opened the closet stuffing her clothes in. She took another backpack and took her personal stuff before making Clints eyes widen.

"Mary! Calm down what are you doing?" She asks as she showed him her fangs. He knew when she showed her fangs she didn't wanna be touched.

She walked out and saw the rest looking at her worried and Steve with his arms crossed.

She came our and gave him a glare "I'm leaving, you happy now bitch?"

He slapped her cheek making everyone gasp, Nat and Clint being close to raging, making Thor and Tony calm Bruce down.

She held her cheek and punched him back, making him hit the wall behind him. He gave her a growl as she stared at him with her red eyes.

"And I thought I could've loved you... "

Madam Gray (Steve Rogers) MARVEL FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now