do it

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tw- suicide

midoriya's pov

I sit patiently, no, desperately waiting for school to finish. my leg bounces up and down my mind trying to form a way to escape before they get to me, as much as I hope it'll work they'll find me anyway, they always do.

the bell rings awakening me from my thoughts, I scramble up from my seat heading for the door as everyone piles out I try and get through the crowd before-

"hey deku not so fast you nerd"

I stop dead in my tracks and look around me for help, everyone carries on, they wouldn't help a quirkless deku like me.

"stop stuttering deku it gets on my nerves"
"s-sorry k-kacchan"
"and you do it again, ugh I've just had about enough with you" small explosions crackle from bakugo's hands.
I know what's coming next
I stumble backwards in an attempt to escape

he grabs me by my collar and slams me against the wall
I slide down in defeat, when is this torture going to end

"heard you want to apply to UA, well don't bother, they'd never want a quirkless hero wannabe like you"

I don't speak back, I have nothing to say

he's right

"you think your better than me?"


"thought so"


"pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take swan dive off the roof of the building"

"you'll be doing everyone a favour"
he laughs and walks away as if nothing happened

my body aches
my mind aches

why why why couldn't I have been born normal

he's right

your worthless


kill yourself

no one will care

but I want to be a hero and my mum would miss me

don't flatter yourself
no one cares
and you'll never be a hero
your quirkless
in other words
need me to spell it out for you

NO just shut up

but I know kacchans right
I should kill myself

I'll be doing everyone a favour

do it


*next day*

light seeps through my window I roll over blinking my eyes, sighing I force myself to sit up.
I look around my room, covered head to toe in all might, to bad this'll be my last day

today is the last day of school before the holidays and my last day of living in this excuse of a world

like kacchan said, I'll be doing everyone a favour

he has a point, I'm bullied, a waste of space
I'm just a burden on my mum
she didn't ask to have a quitkless son
but here a am, a disappointment

I step into the bathroom, the cold tiles against my feet, I barely feel it, I barely feel anything at all
It's like my grip on reality is slowly fading

I slowly change into my uniform
to think this is what I'm going to die in,
oh well either way I'm dying

And no one can stop me.




no one cares

they want you dead

you'll be doing everyone a favour


I cover my ears in an attempt to block the thoughts out
that won't work
you can stop something you can't control

I don't realise I've walked down the stairs into the living room

"honey are you ok?"
"I'm fine mum"

I grab my back slinging it across my shoulder

"bye mum, I love you"
I slip through the door heading out into the street
my feet feel like huge boulders as I slowly drag myself towards the school building
It's tall
I'll definitely die on impact from jumping

just get through the day and you'll never have to see these people again

as I'm walking through the halls towards my classroom I've gotten shoved into lockers three times, that's going to leave a bruise.

I make it to class without to much damage, yet..

"Oi what's that I smell, a quirkless loser" I'm shoved into the wall
I hear a sickening crunch as bone and wall make contact

I don't even feel the pain
it doesn't come close to what I'm already feeling

I can't take it
I can't wait a whole day
I'll make them all see it
Suffer like I did

I run out of the classroom towards the stairs that lead to the roof
No one will notice I'm gone


I sit down, I grab a piece of paper
I'm about to start writing when I realise
Who really cares
who do I have to write this to
fuck it

I place my shoes and the notes on the ground
I walk over to the railings looking down upon the scene before me
it's almost calming
my body will lay there lifeless
it's what everyone wants

It's broad daylight

more people to see me die and suffer from it


I step over the railing gripping onto the bars only with slight force im standing on the edge
all it takes is one step and I'm gone, I'll be gone forever and I'll never have to endure kacchan' bullying


Do it
Do it

i take a final deep breath and jump

the last thing I see before everything turns black is the concrete inches from my eyes

- - - - - - -

I open my eyes

hold on a second
I should be dead
did I fail? fuck I always fail at everything

wait why am I standing?

I look around, I'm in a hospital room with two other people
no one other person
the first person is ME
lying cold and dead while my mother sobs

so that means I'm a ghost?

I'm a ghost

I can do anything I want and people don't see me
I could haunt anyone I want or any place

hmmm, I contemplate places I could go to
I know !
my eyes widen
kacchan will be entering UA soon
I've always wanted to go there
to bad I'm dead but I can make his life a little more confusing

UA it is.

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