tea spilled

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Tw- suicide mention, abuse, self harm

Todoroki's PoV

Midoriya and I have been even closer since that day, I think it's been four months since I was able to see him, honestly I've been more happier and I can only thank izuku for that.

After I had woken up after the incident aizawa had come to check on me, it was awkward but luckily izuku had managed to cover up my cuts effectively, I think aizawa is still suspicious of me but he didn't push anything which I'm grateful for.

I was meant to tell izuku about why I did what I did but I didn't want to, I couldn't I just couldn't, I think he understood which I appreciate.

speaking of izuku, everyone in my class is kind of confused as to why I'm always by myself and not really talking to any of them, I don't need any of them, I have Midoriya.

ok back to the present.

"hey sho, are you there" he waves his hand playfully in front of my face, I didn't even I had spaced out.

"Oh sorry izu" I smile and him softly, he smiles back and my heart does that thing, it feels weird but it's normal izuku is my best friend.

" I was just thinking about how we've already known each other for four whole months, isn't that crazy" he gives a huge smile while giggling slightly.

"It is crazy, I'm glad you're my friend izu"

"me too sho"

I feel so happy around him it's insane.

"so hey I know it's been a while but we need to talk about that time sho.." he doesn't look at me.

"I know" I look at my hands instead of his face, I knew I would have to do this at some point.

"just bare with me on this ok?"


"so, the reason why I started self harming was...

"shouto get up now, you're late" my dads voice rang through my ears. That day was another training day.

He is always harsh with training but was even more so now that I was going to UA soon, it was a nightmare but I was awake.

I went downstairs not looking up from the floor, I wonder what he's going to do to me this time.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and head to the kitchen and start to grab some breakfast.


"you're late up, pathetic" I don't respond thinking that's the best option, boy was I wrong.


"Look at me and answer when I speak to you"


"what did you just say to me?"

well I'm dead.









"get dressed and don't piss me off again" with one final slap he walked out and I headed back up to my room to get dressed.

I step into my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror, fresh bruises form on my face and blood is slowly dripping from my nose, I wipe the blood ok the back of my hand, something calming about the colour that I can't quite put my finger on.

I look back at my reflection for what seemed like an hour before I start brushing my teeth and washing my face. I grab my clothes and start undressing, old bruises litter my body and a permanent one from my broke rib that one time, I shudder at the memory.

my mind starts to wonder as I get dressed and my eyes go to the razor cabinet. 'no shouto don't" I said to myself but I got a sudden urge

'an urge to hurt myself like he did because I deserved it"

Midoriya face shows deep sadness but also understanding,

"it's going to be ok sho, you're not alone" even though those words are simple I felt myself feeling ok just because it was coming from him, it felt as if he genuinely meant it.

I contemplate saying this for a second but decide to say it as izu is looking at me curiously.

"I think you have something you need to share as well izu?"

he knew this was coming, I can tell by the slight hesitance plastered on his face.

"I suppose it's only fair considering you told me about you"

Midoriya's PoV

"I suppose it's only fair considering you told me about you" I look up at shouto, his expression telling me to take my time.

"so you want to why I died?" He nods, I take a deep breath and begin.

"well you know I committed suicide but the reasons why are essentially I was bullied majority of my life because I am, uh was quirkless

kacchan, uh- bakugo and me we used to be friends when we were little, when he got his quirk he changed, he got these new friends with strong quirks and started to abandon me.

It got worse when it was found out that I was not getting a quirk, he and his 'friends' started bullying me and hitting me for fun, it got even worse when we went to middle school

everyday I would go home with new injuries and an even lower will to live, but I told myself I have to live for my mum.

the tipping point was when kacchan straight up told me to take a swan dive off the roof of the building and so I did"

I realise a breath I didn't know I was holding and burst into tears, I'm still weak in the after life.

I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my body, shouto is hugging me!
I hesitantly put my arms around him as well and cry into his shoulder while he hugs me even harder and whispers comforting things in m ear.

After what seems like forever I have started to calm down and we split from each other.

"It's ok izu, that's all in the past now but with saying that I'm going to have to sort something out tomorrow"

I glance at shouto's clock


he should be getting to sleep now,
"don't do anything reckless sho"

"Of course not izu" he smiles slightly but there's hidden anger in his eyes.

"goodnight sho"

he gets in bed and turns off the light

"goodnight izu"

- - - - -

A/n school has been too much and it hasn't even been a full week yet smh

hope this chapter was alright ^_^
someone may get their butt kicked soon 😳

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