1. clingy

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A request for XcelebfandomX hope you like it hun ❤

Y/N's P.O.V

I was cuddle up with my boyfriend shawn on the couch watching Harry Potter. I love these kind of moments because shawn can be away on tour for months at a time and I couldn't go because I am going school to get a degree in teaching.

"Shawn can we got for a walk?"

"Yeah sure."

"Awesome we haven't been on a walk together in ages. Let me get ready."

I walk upstairs and go put some leggings and one of Shawn's hoodies on then I head downstairs when I stop in my tracks to hear shawn on the phone to someone.

"I dont know man I love her I do but shes so clingy lately and its really annoying like I need some space to breath but I'm not getting it. She wont leave my side, like I literally I can't do anything without her stuck by my side. I'm tired of it man I want to be able to do things without her. She needs to stop being so clingy I cant stand clinginess."

When I hear that my heart breaks and I try and hold back the tears I walk into the living room and shawn hangs up.

"You ready to go babe?" He asks me.

"Actually I've changed my mind I think I'm gonna go out with (your friends name) if that's ok?"

"Yeah that's fine Y/N I'll see you in a bit then."

"Bye shawn."

It was a great distraction going to my friends house after what shawn said. She did her best to try and cheer me up and make me laugh and it all worked but as soon as I left I felt sad again. I just wanted to cry. I decided on my way home that I'm going to distance myself from shawn so that way he gets the space he needs away from me and then I wont be called clingy anymore. Hopefully it works.

A week later.....

"Y/N what's going on you've been distant with me the past week."

"Nothing shawn just leave it alone."

"No I wont. Tell me what's wrong. Did I do something?"

"As a matter of fact you did shawn now please just leave me alone all I want to do is give you the space that you want."

"Oh my God you heard me on the phone. I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of that I was stressed and stupid and I'm so sorry baby."

"It hurt shawn. I'm only like taht because I rarely get to see you anymore."

"I know and I'm sorry I was an idiot."

"Yeah you were."

"I'm really sorry baby girl I hope I can make this up to you. I didnt mean a word of what i said I'm sorry i took my stress out onto you through a phone call conversation I instantly regretted those words after they left my mouth."

"Its ok shawn I forgive you can we please just cuddle now?"

"I couldn't think of anything better right now."

We cuddled and I was so happy. I missed being wrapped up in his arms. I'm glad we sorted everything out because now I can have all teh endless cuddles I wanted off the man I loved.

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