11. lockdown fun

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Hope you guys are all okay in this uncertain time and staying safe ❤

Y/N's P.O.V

Due to coronavirus my country was in lockdown and Shawn is staying with me. We are best friends and just recently before this pandemic we thought we would live together because we thought it would be fun.

During this lockdown we have completed a bunch of puzzles, watched everything on disney plus, i did some art work, he wrote some songs and we even learnt how to cook a good and proper meal.

We've had a lot of fun. We decided as it was warm that we were going to go in the pool so I put on a nice royal blue bikini and tied my hair up into a messy bun.

When I went outside he was already in the pool. I was about to get in when I get splahed with water. Once it stops I look over to shawn who has a water gun in his hands.

"So we are playing this game then? Oh you are on shawn."

I jump into the pool right next to him so he gets splashed.


"Ha. Revenge is sweet."

He looks at me with an entertained look on his face.

He splashes me right in the face. So I splash him back and start swimming away as quick as possible but he races after me.

He finally catches up and grabs me by the waist and picks me up.

He turns me around to face and lowers me down but still keeps his hands on my waist.

I wipe my eyes as water was in them. When I look up shawn is looking right at me.

He starts to lean in so I lean in too. Our lips meet and they move swiftly together. We pull away and we look at each other.

"Woah." Shawn says.

"Yeah woah."

To lighten the mood I wriggle out of his grip and splash him then jump out of the pool and into the apartment and to my room.

He runs after me and catches me yet again except this time we fall onto my bed.

We lie down next to each other in silence  but a comfortable one.

"I like you Y/N."

I sit up and look at him.

"You what?"

"I like you."

"I like you too shawn."

He smiles at me and sits up so he is facing me.

He leans in a kisses me but it's only a quick one. We both decide to get dressed and watch a movie.

Before we put the movie on we built a fort as we thought it was a good idea. Boy were we wrong, however it was fun to make.

We watched the film and fell asleep in the fort together.

Lockdown with the right person is fun.

Shawn Mendes Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now