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Inspired by the most amazing tv show ever Brooklyn Nine Nine hope you guys enjoy this one x

I worked in the NYPD. I started this job
Years ago and I've made good friends and developed a slight crush on a colleague which I've kept under wraps as it is slightly unprofessional however his name is shawn.

My captain, holt, told us we have to go undercover and on a stake out to catch a drug dealer. This was Shawn's first field job after being undercover for 3 months in the mafia which was 2 months agi as captain holy wasn't sure he was ready ti go out yet.

Its going to be slightly awkward as before he went undercover he said he liked me however I was with teddy who was very boring. It was like watching paint dry as he spoke, I don't know why I dated him.

Since then however, last week to be exact, I said to shawn that I wasnt going to date anyone that I worked with as it was complicated last time and he seemed down.

He revealed that he came in the break room that day to ask me whether I wanted to go on a date which is another reason why it will be awkward.

Our friends rosa and Charles are going to keep an eye on the drug dealer for us so we can keep track.

We head to the restaurant and we are stood next to each other in silence until he starts talking.

"There he is with his girlfriend we need to go in and somehow sit near him."

"Ok got it let's get a table then."

"Hi how can I help you?"

"We would like a table for two please."

"Have you booked?"


"Then I'm afraid you cant have a table I'm sorry."

This is where I step in.

"Look I'm sorry but me and John here just got engaged and we really want to celebrate as we are so happy and I love him so much."

"Yeah I proposed to Dora tonight and this was where our first date was so we were hoping that we could have a table."
Shawn said pulling me closer to him.

"Of course anything for you love birds."

We get a table and it is happens to be right next to the perp.

"Like omg you guys I heard you just got engaged congratulations." The perps girlfriend said in the most annoying high pitched way possible.

"Thank you we are just so in love."

Shawn looks and me intently and says "yes we are."

The perp buys us a bottle of champagne and we all celebrate sort of together.

"So guys what is your favourite thing about each other?" The perps girlfriend says.

Shawn starts first.

"Well she is the most amazing person I've ever met. She's kind, intelligent and so so beautiful. In my eyes shes perfect. And I love her." He takes my hand in his.

"Well John is sweet and caring. He knows just how to make me laugh and he's an incredible person all around and I just love him."

We look at each other and give each other a soft smile.

"Aww you guys are so cute."

"Well congratulations guys but we have to head off it was nice to meet you I hope we can see each other again."

"Yeah of course." I say.

"Ok hunny I'll meet you in the car I just have to do something."

They leave and that's mine and Shawn's cue to follow behind. We see him walk into the kitchen and talk to the chef.

"So shawn how much of that did you mean back there?"

"Well....I...quick hes spotted us and heading this way. Sorry about this."

He said then kisses me. I shouldn't have but I melted into the kiss and the perp comes out.

"Oh sorry guys."

"Its ok dont worry we just wanted somewhere a little more private you know how it is."

"Yeah well have fun bye."

We wait a few seconds and then follow and get into the van where rosa and Charles is and we tail him to a park where he drops off the bag.

We get out to see who it is and me and shawn start talking.

"Yes I did mean what I did back there."


"Oh? Is that's it?!"

"Look I don't know what you want me to say I already said i wasnt going to date a colleague no matter how much i like that person."

"Well who cares about that rule why cant we just try it out?"

"Because and we are being watched so here we go again."

And I pull him in and kiss him so the guy doesn't suspect anything. When he turns to go passed up we both get our gun out and I yell.

"NYPD hands up!"

We arrest him and then I take shawn into another room.

"Look I'm sorry about earlier."

"Its ok Y/N."

"I wanna forget about my dumb rule I wanna try this out. I wanna try us out because I really like you shawn."

"I like you too Y/N and I'm happy you are willing to try us out."

We hug and then I slowly back away and look up at him. He smiles at me and leans down to kiss me. I kiss back and I couldn't be happier. Shawn was the one for me.

Shawn Mendes Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now