9. youtube prank

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A request for mabelloforlife sorry it's a bit late but I hope you like it a lot ❤

So my boyfriend is the famous fighter Shawn Mendes and well I'm a youtuber. My job is really fun, I get to do some crazy things and I've done the odd few videos with shawn which were the best. However people criticize me for dating shawn because hes the best and most ripped fighter in the world and people because that's his title he abuses me but that's not the case hes the most sweet, caring and loving guy in the world.

So we decided it would be fun to make a prank video of him being abusive so people can understand the true when we explain at the end. We didnt tell our friends to make it seem more realistic.

We set everything up and put different cameras around our house and started recording.

"Y/N where the hell is the food. I told you to go shopping today and you didnt you are an idiot."

"Shawn I'm sorry I just got busy with doing my college work so I completely forget it just slipped my mind we can order in or something."

"Order in come on Y/N I'm sick of you not listening to me anymore. You barely pay attention to me anymore are you cheating on me? Have you found someone else?"

"No why would you think that shawn? I love you and only you."

"That's bulkshit Y/N and you know it."

He pulls me off the bed as gently as he could but making it look aggressive.

He fake hits me as we will add sound effects later when we edit the video.

We hear footsteps coming from the stairs and hear a knock at the door neither one of us answer the door as shawn is still fake hitting me.

They come and see what's happening.

"Oh my god shawn stop it. Stop hirtung Y/N. Why would you do that I thought you loved her." She said pulling me away from shawn.

"I do but she crossed the line."


"I said she crossed the line that little witch cheated on me."

"No she didnt and even if she did that doesn't mean you should hit her."

"I know I'm so sorry (your friends name) but this was a prank." Shawn says.

"You what?"

"Its a prank. We wanted to show that shawn wasnt really like this and that he truly is a caring person so we thought we would do a prank." I say

"Well you got me because personally I knew that shawn would never hurt you because hes told me just how much he loves you."

"See everyone just because shawn is a fighter doesn't mean he would hurt me. He is the most caring person I know and I love him so much."

"Guys I understand where you are coming from but my home life is entirely different to my work life. I'm a completely different person at home. I love Y/N with all my heart I would never ever dream of hurting her shes so important to me."

"Look guys I knwo you are trying to look out for me but I'm honestly okay. I love shawn with all my heart and I know he would never hurt me and I hope you guys believe me. Please just be happy for me and please no more hate on shawn because he doesn't deserve it."

"As being their best friend they truly are the most cutest and sickening couple because they are all loved up and shawn wouldn't hurt Y/N because he loves her so much please stop hating on their relationship and instead respect and support it because there ismt quite a love like theirs."

"Thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed this video."

We edited the video and posted it as "abusive boyfriend prank lf best friend."

We had great responses to the video and shawn no longer gets any hate and people are happy for us so we are happy.

This video turned out great and shawn and I  could never be happier.

Our love was stronger that it had ever been.

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