2. break up pt2

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So someone wanted a part 2 of my breakup imagine and it's on my first book so the part 2 is here but before I start part 2 I am going to recap what happened in part 1 for you guys! Hope you enjoy ❤

Part 1

Warning: very sad

So today I was going to meet my loving boyfriend of 3 years Shawn Mendes. We were friends at first but it developed into something more and I'm glad it did. I loved him with my whole heart. He was coming over to mine because he wanted to see me and I wanted to see him too we didn't have much time left together due to him having to go on tour in a couple of days.

I hear a knock at the door and I run to open it. When I open the door I see a sad shawn standing in the doorway.

I hug him and he hugs back and when I try to pull away he says not yet please let me hug you for a little longer in a desperate tone which is strange.

He walks through the door and we both walk to the living room. We sit down and I notice that it looks like he has been crying.

"Shawn are you ok?"

"No because I'm about to do this hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life."

"What do you mean?"

He looks at me and a tear rolls down my cheeks.

"Ok Y/N just know that when I say what I have to say that I love you so so much and will love you forever."


"Look Y/N I'm going on tour for a year with pretty much no breaks for me to be able to come home and see you and you are busy with school work and you deserve someone who can be there for you all the time physically and not virtually. Someone to be able to care for you and be there for you when you need them. I cant be that person anymore."

"Please dont do this shawn I love you we have been able to get through tour before we can do it again." I say trying to hold back any sobs.

"I know but this tour is longer and well we are never going to see each other. I love you so much but we are never going to see each other and it's just easier this way because I dont want to hold you back from anything. I want you to find a guy that always has time for you and will always be there for you unlike me. Someone who will love you better than me and be there for your anytime you need them. I'm so so sorry for doing this and it hurts me just as much as it hurts you but I have to do this. I love you Y/N."

"So that's it we are over just like that. I dont even get a say."

"I'm sorry Y/N I love you. You know what the saying is if you love someone you have to let them go."

"I love you shawn." I say in full blown tears now and so was he.

"I love you to Y/N more than you will ever know."

We hug and cuddle for a while not wanting to let go of each other and just crying and then shawn let's go and says he has to go. He kisses me before he leaves.

The kiss was passionate and kept going on because neither of us wanted to let go and say that was our last kiss. He pulled away and I feel the linger of his lips on mine. He looks at me one last time then starts walking away.

More tears roll down my cheeks as he walks away. I hear the front door shut and I let everything out.

I started crying my eyes out. I kept looking at the door hoping that he would walk back through that door and say that he made a mistake and that he was never going to leave me but he never did.

Shawn Mendes Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now