3. baby

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Requested by tilly109753 hopefully you like it ❤

Y/N's P.O.V

Today was Shawn's show in Toronto at Rogers centre and I couldn't be more proud of him. I was going to watch him with his family and the little one that is in my stomach well two. I am 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant with twins except me and shawn decided we wanted to be surprised with what genders they were going to be.

This was Shawn's first stadium show and honestly I'm so excited to see him perform in his home town at a stadium in front of millions of people. What was better though was that I got to experience all of this with him, his family and mine. We were all so supportive and all so proud of him.

Shawn gets on stage and we are all yelling in happiness and excitement. As he starts singing I feel a sharp pain through my stomach but I ignored it as this was Shawn's big moment.

The pains kept coming and I looked on the ground to see a puddle beneath me. In that moment I realised I was in labour and those sharp pains were contractions.

I started to freak out and Karen realised something was off with me.

"Hey Y/N is everything ok?"

"I'm in labour."

"Ok. Oh god we need to tell shawn and get you to the hospital just take deep breaths for me."

She gets my mum to help me and starts timing the space between my contractions.

Shawn apologises to everyone who is at the concert and says this show will ne rescheduled for them all because I have gone into labour. They understood but i still felt guilty for ruining their experience.

Shawn walks over and crouched down next to me and the chair I'm sat on.

"Are you ok baby?"

I just groan out in pain as much response.

"Ok baby we are going to get you to the hospital just keep breathing for me in and out. That's it keep going."

Around 10 mins later we arrived at the nearest hospital and I was instantly given a room and a doctor came in to see me I was only 6cm dilated and I had to wait till 10cm.

Shawn was the only one who stayed in the room with me and I'm glad he was with me. He was sat by the side of my bed holding my hand while I squeezed it in pain.

I was crying and was swearing and it wasnt a pretty sight.

"Ahhhh shawn."

"Yeah baby?"

"I cant do this shawn. It's too much pain can they not just stay in there and not come out ahhhhh!"

"Oh baby it doesn't work like that they have to come out."

"I blame you."

"You can blame me all you want Y/N whatever makes you happy blame me all you want."

"I blame you. Ahhhh! You're the one who impregnated me. Not only are we are having one child but we are having another aswell. I blame you and your freakishly sperm for doing its job."

Shawn chuckles a little and scream out in pain again. The doctor comes in and looks again and tells me it's time.

They move me into a proper room and tell me it's time to push. The doctor is holding my hand on the right and shawn is holding my hand on the left.

I start pushing and god it hurt. I've never been in so much pain again.

"Keep pushing. You're doing good." The doctor tells me.

I push further for one more time and I hear crying and I stop pushing.

I smile at shawn the best I can and I'm still holding his hand and I starting crying even more in pain and happiness totally forgetting that I still had another child to come out of me.

"Ok Y/N you need to start pushing again you still have one more child to go."

"Oh please no I have no push left in me i cant do it please dont make me." I say while crying.

"Come on baby you got this just a couple more pushes and then we are done I promise you."

"O.....k." I say crying further.

I push a few more times and hear the sounds of crying again that isnt mine.

I stop pushing and relax and am glad that this is over.

The doctors hand me and shawn a baby each and we realise we have two gorgeous baby girls. We couldn't be happier.

"I love you shawn."

"I love you more Y/N."

Shawn Mendes Imagines #2Where stories live. Discover now