7. new year's

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Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and I hope you all have a great start to the new year! ❤

Today was new years and I was invited to a new year's party by my friend shawn. We arent exactly best friends as we only see each other like once a week as he is my grandmas next door neighbour, however that hasn't stopped us from being good friends.

He invited me last week when I went over to visit some family for Christmas and I'm kind of glad he did because I have this small crush on him and I'm hoping maybe just maybe he could be my new years kiss but I'm not going to get my hopes up as I dont think he likes me anyway.

As I'm getting ready my best friend helps me choose an outfit as shes coming with me.

We decide together that I wear something cute but very flattering in the sense of curves and all that so I can show off and hope that Shawn will notice me.

When we get there the house is already slightly packed and I'm getting slightly nervous. Me and my friend walk in and we go get some drinks. Shawn notices me and gives me a small wave and smile as he talks with his friends.

I turn around to talk to my friend but shes gone off in a corner to make out with one of Shawn's friends so I guess I'm on my own. I take a massive sip of my drink and just stand by the table and just stare around the room.

Shawn walks up from behind me which startled me.

"You all alone?" He asks sipping his drink.

"Well I wasnt until my best friend went off with your friend. She left me to go make out with him."

"I see so you need some company?"

"Yes that would be nice." I smile at him.

"So I say we go some place a little less rowdy and more quiet if you are up for it? If this is all a little too much for you because even though this is my party its getting a little much for me."

"Yeah sounds nice."

He holds his hand out for ne to take.

"Come with me then."

He takes us outside onto his balcony where no one but us are.

"Wow this is beautiful shawn. The view is so gorgeous."

He turns to look at me.

"It isnt the only view that's gorgeous."

I smile slightly and turn away to hide the blush that crept upon my cheeks.

It was nearly midnight, shawn and I talked and talked for what seemed like hours. It was nice to be able to talk to him, just us two with no one interrupting.

People from inside start chanting 10....9...8...and so on. Implying that 2020 was almost upon us.

Shawn looks towards me and says something quietly.

"Could I try something to start the new year off?"

"Try what?"

"1...happy new year!!!" People from inside yell.

"Try this." He says leaning in towards me.

His lips touch mine and he starts to kiss me. I kiss back and our lips moved in sync. His hands firmly gripped my waist as my arms wrap around his neck.

We pull away him still having his arm around me and me still having my around around him with our heads touching.

"Y/N I like you a lot. Since the day I moved here and your grandma introduced me to you years ago. I really want to start this new year right and I want to start it with you. I want to start this year off with you being girlfriend if you will let me?"

"Shawn I like you a lot too so yes I'll be your girlfriend and we will start this new year off together."

He smiles and leans in again. I lean in too. The kiss was full of passion and as our lips connect for a second time fireworks set off symbolizing the new year.

2020 was already off to a great start.

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